FOOD HOLIDAY: National Cookie Month

It’s National Cookie Month. You can celebrate in different ways. First, you can try new cookie recipes. You don‘t have to eat them all: Make them as a birthday gift or a no-occasion thank-you for a neighbor, relative, teacher, hairdresser, healthcare provider (yes, they eat cookies, too) or other helper. Second, you can learn more…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cauliflower & Cruciferous Veggies

[1] Rare cauliflower varieties: from top left, orange (Cheddar), Romanesco (Roman) and purple (photo © B. Sky | SXC.   We have a passion for cauliflower. Steamed or stir-fried, crudités or cauliflower soup, we eat a head a week. A member of the botanical family Brassicaceae, the cauliflower species, Brassica oleracea, also includes arugula, bok…
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TIP OF THE DAY: What Is Polenta?

Polenta, made from ground cornmeal, is a porridge that dates to ancient times and is known in England and the U.S. as cornmeal mush. You can purchase precooked, ready-to-heat-and eat “solid polenta” in sausage-like tubes, plain and in flavors such as basil, garlic and sundried tomato. Slices of polenta can be easily turned into hors…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Pasta Month & Pasta History

Potstickers and other dumplings are types of pasta, a food invented by the Chinese 4,000 years ago (photo courtesy   October is National Pasta Month; pasta is one of America’s favorite foods. Who invented it? The Chinese! While Thomas Jefferson introduced pasta to the U.S. in 1787, upon his return from Europe where he…
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PRODUCT: Interactive Vodka Bottle

What’s new in the seemingly endless stream of premium vodka? Finally, something: The programmable vodka message bottle. Yes, your personal digitized message will travel around the body of the vodka bottle like a news tickertape. Medea, a vodka from Holland, is the first spirit to combine 18th-century distillation techniques with 21st century technology (the message…
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