BOOKS: Best-Selling Cookbooks

America’s best-selling cookbook: it doesn’t look mouth-watering, but that hasn’t hindered sales. The world’s oldest surviving cookbook is De Re Coquinaria, “On Cookery,” attributed to a first-century Roman epicurian named Marcus Gavius Apicius. And it’s still in print—in the original Latin! The English translation is out of print and pricey, but the Kindle edition is…
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PRODUCT: Chips For The Cure

Chips for the cure, available through October. Photo by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE. Our favorite tortilla chip company, Food Should Taste Good, hopes to donate $75,000 to fight breast cancer. The company believes that food should not only taste good, but should do good as well. The company launched its Food Should Do Good…
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GOURMET GIVEAWAY: Sir Francis Bacon Peanut Brittle

Bacon with eggs? How common. How about bacon with peanut brittle? Now there’s a delightfully unexpected combination! Sir Francis Bacon is offering five lucky winners the opportunity to try both bacon peanut brittle and their chocolate-covered peanut brittle bar. The sweet, the salty and the savory will keep you coming back for more. We loved…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Wine & Food Matching

Complex wine demands simple food. Photo by Michal Szydlowski | SXC. If you’re tempted to cook a fabulous meal to enjoy a great bottle of wine, remember the formula: Complex wines demand simple food. You want the wine to be the focus of attention, not a dazzling dish of food. Grilled steak, roast beef or…
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