TIP OF THE DAY: Creme Fraiche, Mascarpone, Sour Cream

[1] In photos, four cream-based products can look alike. But the flavor, weight and production techniques differ. Vive la différence: they’re all wonderful. This is crème fraîch (photo © Vermont Creamery). [2] Sour cream is thicker and tart notes (photo © Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board).   Cream is easily whipped into a delicious topping or…
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Avocado Toast With Sour Cream Recipe

Avocado and sour cream on toast is a favorite breakfast of Chef Lorena Garcia. The photo may look like poached eggs—which is another topping optionl. But that’s tangy sour cream atop the chopped avocado. And while it’s a south-of-the-border concept, where sour cream is called cremam it’s a great green dish for St. Patrick’s Day.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Substituting Nonfat Greek Yogurt

Save many calories and fat grams: Substitute yogurt for fats in baked goods, and make a sweetened yogurt topping. Photo courtesy Nordicware.   We used to top our foods with sour cream, mascarpone and crème fraîche. One day, looking at ways to cut fat and calories from our diet (or at least, to counter our…
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