TIP OF THE DAY: Ways To Season Chicken

You don’t want a bland chicken, so dig out the spices and season away! Photo courtesy Butterball.   Barbecue sauce is the number one food that THE NIBBLE receives over the transom (and old publishing expression that means unsolicited). Barbecue sauce is expensive and totally unnecessary. Our mother rotisseried a wonderfully delicious, plump bird several…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cooking With Black Garlic

Chef Johnny Gnall takes on a relatively new ingredient, black garlic, which originated in Korea. It’s a fermented…If you have questions or suggestions for tips, email Chef Johnny. Sometimes you can dramatically alter the flavor profile of an ingredient simply by leaving it alone; such is the case with my new favorite ingredient, black garlic.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Uses For Cardamom

Green cardamom. Photo courtesy Suvir Saran | Indian Home Cooking.   Cardamom, a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), is a highly aromatic and flavorful spice from from a plant native to India and its northern neighbors, Bhutan and Nepal. The name derives from the Latin cardamomum and the Greek kardamon, which referred to a…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Homemade Poultry Seasoning

What’s in poultry seasoning? What can you substitute for poultry seasoning? What’s the correct recipe? We’ve gotten this question more than a few times. The answer is really simple: Make homemade poultry seasoning from the dried herbs you already have on the shelf. You don’t need to buy pre-blended poultry seasoning. Premixed poultry seasoning is…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Try Smoked Sea Salt

Smoked sea salt ranges from pale, like Maldon (in photo), to dark brown. Photo courtesy Realfoods.co.uk.   What can you do if you have a gas grill, but crave the smoky flavor of meat grilled over wood chips? Michaele Musel, chef of Double R Ranch Co., producers of aged beef, suggests this option for those…
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