TIP OF THE DAY: A Pot Or Topiary Of Rosemary

We love our pot of rosemary—it’s a beautiful and fragrant houseplant (woodsy, like pine). It’s also a delicious fresh herb, at the ready several times a week to add fresh flavor notes to whatever we’re cooking. Use it with olive oil and garlic for a delicious focaccia; with lamb, poultry and fish; in pasta and…
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GOURMET GIVEAWAY: Dolce Nonna Marinated Vegetables Gift Set

You might win this gift tote with three delicious jars of Dolce Nonna marinated vegetables. Photo courtesy Dolce Nonna. If you like to dine and entertain with flair, you’ll want this week’s Gourmet Giveaway prize. Everyone from foodies to those looking for shortcuts in the kitchen will appreciate Dolce Nonna Marinated Vegetables. The Italian-style marinated…
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DISCOUNT: Walkers Shortbread, Biscuits & Cakes

If there’s anyone in America who hasn’t had Walker’s shortbread, then he or she isn’t a cookie person. But store shelves have limited space: Unless you visit a theoretical Shortbread Emporium, you’re not likely to find all the different types of Walkers Shortbread—the variety of shapes (fingers, ovals, rounds, petticoat triangles) and flavors (chocolate chip,…
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PRODUCT: Rishi Organic & Fair Trade Masala Chai

Just mix the concentrate with milk and you’ll be transported to India (photo by Katherine Pollak | THE NIBBLE).   Chai lovers: You can now enjoy this spiced exotic treat in your own home. Rishi, sellers of organic tea, have launched an organic and Fair Trade Masala Chai tea concentrate. Masala chai is made by…
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TIP OF THE DAY: An Herb Pot Of Dill

Feathery and fern-like, dill imparts its unique flavor to many dishes. Dill is often called dill weed in order to distinguish it from dill seed, the seed of the dill plant, which is a spice with a flavor similar to caraway. Dill is a natural with scrambled eggs and omelets (add cheese, especially feta). Add…
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