TRENDS: Eat Well For Less

You don’t need to buy a “top cut” to have a great steak experience.   In these belt-tightening times, how can you eat like a king on a knight’s salary? Justin Marx, CEO of gourmet food purveyor, offers three tips on how to eat well in a down economy: 1) Dried mushrooms are a…
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PRODUCT REVIEW: Reveo Gourmet “Virtuoso” Marinator Electric Vacuum Tumbler

No time to marinate before grilling? Pity: Food would taste so much better. Solution: A Reveo Gourmet Marinator. It marinates in just 10 minutes. The original Reveo Gourmet Marivac was very popular. It was hand-operated with a pumping action, needing no electricity, so it could be used outdoors. It reduced marinating time from overnight (or…
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Food & Wine: Wine & Burger Pairings

Morton’s celebrates its 30th birthday with the $19.78 Prime Sirloin Burger— named for the year the restaurant was founded.   If you want a glass of wine, rather than a beer, with that burger, here are some pairing recommendations from Morton’s the Steakhouse: -Blue Cheese, Bacon, Grilled Onions and Mayonnaise These robust flavors need a…
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