50+ Banana Recipes For National Banana Day

August 27th is National Banana Lover’s Day, and April 21st is Banana Day. Read more at: https://blog.thenibble.com/2019/08/27/recipe-banana-cake-blast-off/ TIP OF THE DAY: How To Ripen Bananas TIP OF THE DAY: How To Speed Up The Ripening Of Avocados & Bananas TIP OF THE DAY: Stop Apples, Bananas & Pears From Browning > The history of bananas.…
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Garlic Chips Recipe For National Garlic Day

[1] Garlic chips, showing the progression in color as roasting progresses (photo © Colavita Recipes). [2] A bowl of garlic bulbs, ready to be turned into garlic chips (photo © Daria Shevtsova | Pexels).   April 19th is National Garlic Day. How to celebrate the day? With this garlic chips recipe! A low-calorie* way to…
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Banana Iced Coffee Recipe & The History Of Cardamom

What to drink on April 20th, National Banana Day? How about this banana iced coffee recipe? Plus a bonus: the history of cardamom, a spice that gives this drink a special flavor. Thanks to Dole for the recipe. There are many more banana recipes in every category on Dole.com. On April 20th, national Banana Day,…
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FOOD FUN: Banana Sushi Recipe For National Banana Day

[1] Banana sushi: a fun way to eat bananas (photo © Dole). [2] Deliciousness awaits (photo © Eiliv Sonas Aceron | Unsplash).   While you can certainly put a slice of banana and garnishes atop a pad of rice or in a sushi roll, this banana sushi recipe is an all-fruit adaptation—no rice. It’s perfect…
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Spicy Banana Dip Recipe For National Banana Day

With National Banana Day coming up on April 20th. we’re adding a new and different banana recipe to our repertoire: a spicy banana dip recipe to serve with crackers, crudités, or tortilla chips. It’s from Dole. While the bananas should be ripe, a dip is a good use for overripe bananas, too. You can use…
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