TODAY IN FOOD: It’s National Creme-Filled Chocolates Day

Strawberry cream fills this chocolate bonbon from Fanny May.   Fittingly, February 14, Valentine’s Day, is also National Creme-Filled Chocolates Day. Cream-Filled chocolates were made possible by Jean Neuhaus, the Belgian chocolatier who invented the first hard chocolate shell in 1912. Using molds, it enabled fillings of any kind and consistency—creme, whipped cream, soft caramel,…
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TIDBITS: The Difference Between Kettle Chips And Conventional Potato Chips

What exactly are “kettle chips,” such as those made by Boulder Canyon, our Top Pick Of The Week (see the previous post)? Let’s start at the beginning. Potato chips, invented in 1853 in Saratoga, New York, were originally called Saratoga chips (the history of potato chips). By the 1920s, every town in the U.S. had…
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TODAY IN FOOD: It’s National Tortellini Day

Heavenly Porcini Mushroom Tortelloni from Bertagni.   We don’t have to twist arms to get people to celebrate National Tortellini Day at THE NIBBLE. In fact, we’re lunching on several flavors of the wonderful tortellini from Bertagni (the topic of a prior post). Tortellini (tor-teh-LEE-nee) are small pastas stuffed with a variety of fillings, and…
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TODAY IN FOOD: It’s National Plum Pudding Day

[1] Plum Pudding with hard sauce (photo courtesy Gary Lerner | London Lennie’s. . [2] Plum pudding with toffee sauce, available from   “Who on earth would strive to create a National Plum Pudding Day in America, especially on February 12th,” we wondered. This is the boiled pudding dessert made of dried fruit that…
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GOURMET GIVEAWAY: Win Mrs. Field’s Hot Cocoa

Given the cold spell that has settled over much of the country, it’s appropriate that this week’s Gourmet Giveaway is hot cocoa. Four one-pound cans of Mrs. Field’s Hot Cocoa could be yours, just by answering a few trivia questions about cocoa (you don’t have to answer correctly to win). Each reusable can makes twelve…
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