TRENDS: Doggie Bags On Park Avenue

Toney diners who once would have frowned on taking home leftovers are now packing up the doggie bag after putting on the Ritz. The affluent still dine out, notes David Pogrebin, manager of New York City’s historic Brasserie restaurant (we’ve been dining there since childhood). But in the thick of a recession, even those at…
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TRENDS: Yogurt, The Latest Hot Food

Food fit for the gods: Greek Gods Grourmet Yogurt with probiotics. Yogurt is “the food of the day” according to NPD Group, a Port Washington, New York-based research firm. Not only can it be consumed, straight or as an ingredient, at any time of the day, but probiotic yogurts, with added “healthful” bacteria, are growing…
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COUPONS: Del Monte

Here’s a financial incentive to eat more fruit: $1 off on Del Monte Orchard Fresh and Citrus Select Fruit Jars, $1.25 on Citrus Bowls & Fruit Cups. At While you’re there, check out the many easy-to-make recipes. Some of our favorites: – Citrus Arugula Salad – Flank Steak With Citrus Salad – Honey Mustard…
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DISCOUNT: $1 Oatmeal at Jamba Juice

What does a buck buy you these days? A healthy cup of steel cut oatmeal at Jamba Juice, thanks to the Starbucks-Jamba Juice Oatmeal War. Starbucks made the first move in early February, announcing an oatmeal “breakfast pairing” with a tall latte or a tall brewed coffee for $3.95 (among several breakfast pairings). Called the…
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