NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY: What Is A Margarita? How About A Guavarita?

February 22nd is National Margarita Day, which ties with the Martini for the most popular cocktail in the U.S. We get lots of story pitches from public relations firms. Their job is to get coverage for their clients’ products. Brands of spirits are always at the ready with cocktails for every celebration: New Year’s, Super…
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RECIPE: Cherry Brownies For President’s Day

[1] Add dried cherries to your favorite brownie recipe, like this recipe from Frugal Foodie Mama (photo © Frugal Foodie Mama). [2] Already have baked brownies? Press soaked dried cherries into the top or whip up a light film of icing to hold the cherries (photo © Alison’s Gourmet).   The legend of George Washington…
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NEWS: The First Coca-Cola Recipe

Asa Candler, who purchased the Coca-Cola recipe from John Pemberton in 1887 for $2,300, worked on the original recipe to turn it from a medicinal tonic to a soft drink. Candler was maniacal about protecting his secret recipe. He demanded that no one ever write it down. All labels were removed from ingredient containers. Staff…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Heavenly Hash Day

[1] The fruit salad version of Heavenly Hash, wrapped in sour cream (photo © When The Dinner Bell Rings | Blogspot [now closed]. [2] Heavenly Hash fudge, with chocolate chips, mini marshmallows and pecans. Here’s the recipe from Small Town Woman (photo © Small Town Woman). [3] Heavenly Hash ice cream, with chocolate chips, marshmallow…
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NEWS: Eat Your Berries For Health Benefits

Medical research continues to reveal that berries, which are high in antioxidants, may have profound impact on combating disease, increasing the quality of life and providing nutrition beyond basic sustenance. Studies reveal that berries have a significant impact against the diseases of aging, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and age-related mental decline. Aside from delicious…
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