FOOD HOLIDAY: National Date Nut Bread Day

Whew, we got Mom’s date nut bread recipe just in time for National Date Nut Bread Day, September 8th. Imagine a fruit bread loaf packed with healthful chopped dates and walnuts, sliced and spread with cream cheese (O.K., the cream cheese is less healthful). Or update the concept with soft goat cheese, Gorgonzola Dolce (a…
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RECIPE: Chocolate-Drizzle Popcorn

December 16th is National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day. Here’s a treat few people can resist: chocolate-drizzled (or chocolate-covered, if you prefer) popcorn. Some popcorn companies won’t ship it until October, when the weather cools down. But that’s O.K., because it’s easy to make this chocolate popcorn recipe, using a base of home-popped or store-bought popcorn, in…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Celebrate National Water Quality Month

August is National Water Quality Month. Whether you rely on tap water, bottled water or both, celebrate it by learning more about this substance without which no life form can live. Clean drinking water (called potable water) is essential to humans and other life forms. However, about a billion people around the world have no…
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Product: Colatura Di Alici, The Secret Sauce

As ketchup is to Americans, as soy sauce is to Chinese, the favorite condiment in ancient Rome was garum, an anchovy sauce. While the Roman Empire is long gone, a form of garum is alive and well. Today it’s called colatura di alici, or juice of anchovies. (It’s also called anchovy sauce or anchovy syrup;…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Try Gourmet Marshmallows

Luscious blackberry marshmallows from artisan confectioner Gateau Et Ganache. Photo by Dhanraj Emanuel | THE NIBBLE.   It’s National Toasted Marshmallow Day, but today’s supermarket marshmallows are nothing to celebrate. Over the decades, what was once a melt-in-your-mouth confection has acquired the personality of a cotton ball—but not as soft. In the early 1950s, Kraft…
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