TIP OF THE DAY: Try Different Types Of Potatoes

It’s National Potato Month. Millennia ago, potatoes grew wild in the foothills of the Andes Mountains of Peru. They were cultivated around 3,000 B.C.E. by the Incas and discovered by Europeans when the Spanish conquistadors reached the shores of Montezuma’s empire (modern-day Mexico) in 1519. Now a staple in many national cuisines, potatoes are the…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: Chocolate Milkshake Recipe For National Chocolate Milkshake Day

Celebrate with a chocolate milkshake. Photo courtesy Cherry Marketing Institute.   Today we know a “milkshake” as a cold beverage made from milk, ice cream, and often, syrup served in a tall, fluted glass with a straw (the classic milkshake glass is known as a Y glass). Some establishments top the drink with whipped cream…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Enjoy Your Favorite Counter-Seasonal Foods

Hot cross buns are warm and tempting: Why wait for Easter? Photo © Aimee Herring | Amy’s Bread.   Today is National Hot Cross Bun Day. “Hot cross buns,” you think. “Aren’t they for Easter?” This sweet yeast bun, dotted with currants and topped with an icing cross (originally the cross was simply knife cuts…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National TV Dinner Day

Since we spend our days (and nights) tasting artisan food products, we don’t eat many frozen dinners. But in grade school, they were a favorite meal. It was an easy way for our working mother to serve us a dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes and peas—and three slices of apple “cobbler” for dessert. There were…
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