TIP OF THE DAY: Organic Honey From Whole Foods Markets

September is National Honey Month, a good reason to focus on our favorite ways to use honey. Even if you’re not Jewish, you can start this week with a Rosh Hashanah tradition: Celebrate the Jewish New Year with a traditional snack of apples and honey. The custom ushers in a sweet new year. We never…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Trail Mix Day & A Custom Trail Mix Recipe

August 31st is National Trail Mix Day. Make your own blend with the options below. While the concept of mixing nuts and dried fruit has been popular for millennia, “trail mix” as a concept for a modern, portable energy snack is relatively new. The term refers to a mixture of high-energy foods such as dried…
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FOOD FUN: Bacon-wrapped Ford Fiesta

Today is International Bacon Day*, a cause for great celebration among millions of bacon lovers. If Ford could only sell each one of them its new bacon-wrapped 2014 Ford Fiesta! Bacon has been a staple of Western cuisine since ancient Roman times. The baconmania of the past five years has produced bacon caramel corn, bacon…
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FOOD FUN: Pink Pearl Apples

Like a purple cow, most people have never seen a Pink Pearl apple. The difference is that Pink Pearls exist. The Pink Pearl apple is an apple cultivar developed in 1944 from Surprise, another red-fleshed apple, by Albert Etter, a northern California breeder. It has distinctive pink flesh beneath translucent, pearly yellow skin. As with…
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FOOD FUN: Convert Canning Jars To Drinkware

If you’ve been to restaurants or parties where the drinks are served in canning jars, you can be just as trendy at home or on the go. And you can do it with an improved approach: a spillproof drinking lid adapter. The Cuppow is a new invention that lets you up-cycle a canning jar into…
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