TIP OF THE DAY: Water In Biodegradable Milk Cartons

For hydration and calorie-saving, water is extremely good for you. But the billions of plastic bottles of water consumed by those who prefer bottled water generates a host of problems, just one of which is landfill. According to the Container Recycling Institute, 86% of plastic water bottles used in the U.S. become garbage or litter.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Try Flavored Kefir Instead Of A Smoothie

You can blend your own smoothie or pour it ready-to-drink from a bottle of flavored kefir. Photo courtesy RevivalSoy.com.   Many people think that kefir is the same as drinkable yogurt. That’s close, but not exact. Kefir is even healthier than yogurt. In fact, kefir is often called a “super yogurt,” since it is up…
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY: Green Mint Milkshake

Drinkin’ o’ the green: a delicious milkshake. Photo courtesy McCormick.   This classic milkshake can be transformed into a St. Patrick’s Day special with a hint of green food coloring. Here are two delightful recipes, both with a hint o’ mint: one that everyone will enjoy, one strictly for adults (using creme de menthe instead…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Irish Breakfast Tea

That comforting cup of Irish breakfast tea is actually Assam, from India. Photo © Olga Miltsova | Dreamstime.   Most tea drinkers have heard of Irish breakfast tea. Fewer have heard of Assam (ah-SAHM). Yet—surprise!—they’re the same tea. The Irish developed such a fondness for the rich, malty black tea from northeast India that they…
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