RECIPE: Matcha Shortbread Cookies

Bake ‘em or buy ‘em: matcha shortbread cookies from Tea Aura. Photo by River Soma | THE NIBBLE.   January 6th is National Shortbread Day. Coming on the heels of new year’s resolutions, where many of us have resolved to eat better, what’s a cookie lover to do? Make matcha shortbread (or as a default,…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Apple Cider Bar

Hot raspberry cider. Photo courtesy Driscoll’s Berries. Here’s the recipe.   A few months ago we created a feature on party food bars: Breakfast & Brunch Bar Drinks & Snacks Food Bar Desserts Food Bar Lunch & Dinner Food Bar   Our drinks bars included the different ways to serve Bloody Marys, lemonade and iced…
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No one knows when the first Christmas goose was roasted or the first Christmas pudding steamed. Some dates are very vague: the first bûche de Noël (Yule log cake), for example, “could have been as early as the 1600s.”* Other sources attribute it to an unnamed Parisian pâtissier in the Victorian Age, sometime after 1870.…

FOOD FUN: Popcorn Snowman

Take a bite of Frosty. Photo and recipe courtesy   Make these today for Christmas Eve, or to enjoy instead of traditional Christmas popcorn balls.     RECIPE: POPCORN SNOWMAN Ingredients For 5 Snowmen 10 cups popped popcorn 1 package (16 ounces) large marshmallows 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Decorations: sprinkles,…
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White Hot Chocolate Recipes For A White Christmas

Tis’ the season for white hot chocolate. No matter what the weather is like where you live, you can have a white Christmas with a cup of it. Here are two recipes that give a gourmet twist to hot chocolate. The second recipe, for hot chocolate on a stick, can be given as party favors…
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