RECIPE: White Cosmopolitan | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures RECIPE: White Cosmopolitan | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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RECIPE: White Cosmopolitan

Hey there, Carrie Bradshaw: How about a White Cosmopolitan?

This recipe, from Grey Goose Vodka, uses white cranberry juice instead of red cranberry juice, plus Grey Goose L’Orange vodka.

(A bonus: spill it and it doesn’t stain like a Red Cosmo.)

Ingredients For 1 Drink

  • 3 parts orange-flavored vodka
  • 1/2 part premium orange liqueur
  • Splash of white cranberry juice
  • Squeeze of fresh lime
  • Garnish: orange peel


    A White Cosmo. Photo courtesy Grey Goose.
    1. SHAKE all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Strain into a Martini glass.

    2. GARNISH with an orange peel.

    A White Cosmopolitan is appropriate any time of the year. It looks like it belongs at the beach, for sure.

    But imagine a holiday tray of both Red Cosmos and White Cosmos, perhaps with a tiny mint leaf or a sprig evergreen-like rosemary floating atop for garnish.

    Or, go red, white and blue by adding a bit of blue food color to part of the White Cosmo recipe.

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