JULY 4th: American Flag Cherry-Blueberry Pie

As American as blueberry and cherry pie. Photo courtesy Centerville Pie Company.   If you’re planning for July 4th festivities, here’s a fun food idea from Centerville Pie Company of Centerville, Massachusetts: an American flag pie. Prepare your favorite blueberry and/or cherry pie recipe. The Centerville Pie bakers fill the pie crust 3/4 with cherry…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Baking With Honey

If you love to bake but want to use less refined sugar, consider honey as a substitute. Here are tips on cooking with honey from Honey.com, the website of the National Honey Board, where you can find every type of recipe plus beekeepers in your area: SUBSTITUTING HONEY IN BAKING Honey helps enhance browning, so…
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RECIPE: Blackberry Cocktail & Brambleberries

We recently saw “branbleberry tart” on a menu. It turned out to be a blackberry-raspberry combination. Brambleberry is a British term for blackberry (Rubus fruticosa). In the U.S., it includes other members of the thorny berry genus Rubus, such as the raspberry (Rubus idaeus). It’s easy to whip up an easy brambleberry tart: Just arrange…
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We receive lots of jerky samples. Most are tough and not anything we’d want to gnaw. Then there’s tender, delightful jerky, like Perky Jerky. In four varieties each of beef and turkey jerky, it has what marketers call “added value”: Perky Jerky is caffeinated with guarana (gwahr-uh-NAH), an Amazonian fruit whose seeds contain about twice…
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RECIPE: Jamaican Iced Coffee & Other Coffee Cocktails

Jamaican Iced Coffee, made with rum, liqueur and brewed coffee. Photo courtesy Appleton Estates.   Turn iced coffee into a cocktail for summer entertaining. Here’s a recipe from Appleton Estate rum, produced in the lush countryside of Jamaica. Jamaican Iced Coffee can be enjoyed with brunch, post-dinner or whenever you want your cocktail to provide…
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