PRODUCT: Wodka Vodka ~ Low Cost, Premium Taste

This inexpensive, “generic” vodka scores big with us. Photo courtesy Wódka Vodka.   Some people in the spirits business are amused by the lengths to which consumers fall for the marketing of premium vodka. Premium, super-premium and ultra-premium are marketing terms, not industry standards. There isn’t much quality difference between high-priced and lesser-priced vodka. Mid-priced…
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TIP OF THE DAY: How To Prevent Stale Nuts

Nuts are healthful and flavorful additions to baked goods and other recipes. But if you don’t use them, they go stale. First, they’ll loose their crispness and get soft. Then, the oils in the nuts will go rancid. Factory-sealed bags have an expiration date, but that only promises that nuts in the unsealed bag will…
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PRODUCT: The Best Pumpkin Pie Crust

Fall pie crust cutters. Photo courtesy William-Sonoma.   Want to make the most talked-about pumpkin pie, pecan pie or sweet potato pie crust ever? These pie crust cutters are an easy way to create a dazzling crust. Just press the spring-loaded cutters into dough and release delicate shapes—acorn, leaf, pumpkin and turkey—embossed with fine detail.…
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COOKING VIDEO: A Recipe For Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

  Now that she’s a mom, says the cook in the video, she’s become “notorious for sneaking vegetables into everything.” But we don’t think butternut squash needs to be “sneaked” into the recipe. We love the idea of this seasonal mac and cheese. For added flourishes to the recipe in the video, how about: A…
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PRODUCT: VinniBag Wine Travel Bag & More

Thanksgiving is the biggest travel holiday of the year. If you’re planning on traveling with a fine bottle of wine in your suitcase, consider getting a VinniBag. We’ve tried a lot of wine travel bags. We like VinniBag the best for car and bus trunks, airline travel and anytime a good bottle of wine can…
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