TIP OF THE DAY: Plan Afternoon Tea With Friends

Before a political reform movement co-opted the term “tea party” (and blocked out real tea parties from appearing on top in search engine results), the words evoked a charming, leisurely between-meal snack that was created in 1840 by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford. In the long stretch from midday luncheon to dinner at 8…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Enjoy Your Favorite Counter-Seasonal Foods

Hot cross buns are warm and tempting: Why wait for Easter? Photo © Aimee Herring | Amy’s Bread.   Today is National Hot Cross Bun Day. “Hot cross buns,” you think. “Aren’t they for Easter?” This sweet yeast bun, dotted with currants and topped with an icing cross (originally the cross was simply knife cuts…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Snack On Dates

Dates have been called “the world’s first energy snack.” Perhaps the first cultivated fruit (figs are the other contender), dates are as sweet as any dessert. But they’re energy powerhouses for any time, containing nutrients to jump-start the day and nourish us throughout it. The date palm tree is believed to have originated in northern…
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PRODUCT: Planters Peanut Butter

The creamiest peanut butter ever. Photo by Jaclyn Nussbaum | THE NIBBLE.   While some school districts have banned peanut butter to protect highly allergic students, PB consumption is actually on the rise, growing at a rate of five to six percent per year. Adults are responsible for two-thirds of peanut butter consumption in the…
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COOKING VIDEO: Challah Bread Recipe

  EDITOR’S NOTE: WE REGRET THAT THE PRODUCER OF THE VIDEO HAS DISCONTINUED IT. Challah, the traditional Jewish bread, dates to ancient Israel. The word itself refers to a tithe of bread that was given to the priests, who had no income. A portion of the dough was sanctified, and the remainder was used for…
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