TIP OF THE DAY: How To Fix Crystallized Honey

Like most foodstuffs, honey does best in a location that is cool and dry. Store honey at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Never put honey in the fridge; it accelerates the crystallization.* When honey crystallizes, the texture becomes “crunchy”—not a pleasant state for most people, but still safe to eat. Crystallization is a natural…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Get Every Last Drop Of Honey From The Jar

Photo courtesy National Honey Board   It’s National Honey Month in a recession. Today’s tip spans both topics: how to get the last drops of honey from the jar. As the honey is used up and the jar contains mostly air, there is invariably honey at the bottom of the jar that hardens, resisting the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Your Own Olive Mix Recipe

Whether for your own home or as a gift when you visit someone else’s, consider making an olive mix recipe. Healthful and versatile, olive mixes stay in the fridge for months, ready to grab and serve with beer, red and white wine, and martinis and other cocktails. You can also use the olives as part…
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RECIPE: Chocolate-Drizzle Popcorn

December 16th is National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day. Here’s a treat few people can resist: chocolate-drizzled (or chocolate-covered, if you prefer) popcorn. Some popcorn companies won’t ship it until October, when the weather cools down. But that’s O.K., because it’s easy to make this chocolate popcorn recipe, using a base of home-popped or store-bought popcorn, in…
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RECIPE: Serve Summer Cocktail For Labor Day

Celebrate the unofficial end of summer—Labor Day Weekend—with a special cocktail. Toast the summer season with a summer cocktail. This recipe was developed by New York City chef and restaurateur Donatalla Arpaia, who makes the cocktail with Martini Bianco vermouth and Grey Goose vodka. Prosecco is the perfect summer sparkler, light and crisp with notes…
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