PRODUCT REVIEW: Cheese of the Week ~ Langres

Langres cheese is available on This week’s cheese recommendation is from guest blogger Dana Romero, proprietor of La Fromagerie D’Acadiana in Lafayette, Louisiana. With Valentine’s Day upon us, bottles of bubbly will be popped all over the world. Our cheese of the week pairs well with Champagne, and hails from the same area where…
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VALENTINE’S DAY GIFTS: VDay Minus 6 ~ Aphrodisiac Caramels From Theo Chocolate

Is rose an aphrodisiac? Saffron? Ghost chile? We can’t vouch for it, but these bittersweet caramels from Theo Chocolate definitely turn us on! Give them to a caramel connoisseur, who is sure to love you in return. Theo is America’s only producer of organic and Fair Trade chocolate. You can visit the factory in Seattle,…
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TRENDS: Valentine’s Day Chocolate Statistics

Raspberry Chocolate Hearts from Pierre Marcolini. According to The Nielsen Company: – Consumers are expected to purchase more than $345 million in chocolate candy during Valentine’s week, accounting for 5.1% of annual sales in the chocolate candy category. Consumers will purchase more than $448 million worth of total candy during Valentine’s week. – More than…
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VALENTINE’S DAY GIFTS: VDay Minus 7 ~ Seduction Cookies From Ruby et Violette

Prepare to be seduced by these deep chocolate cookies with big chunks of Callebaut chocolate. Nine different flavors, from comfort food to cutting edge. In fact, crystallized ginger and curry were our two favorite flavors—but we wouldn’t turn any away, including cream cheese, mint and caramel. Resistance is futile! You can choose your flavors and…
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