VALENTINE’S DAY GIFTS: VDay Minus 12 ~ Chocolate & Bacon

Bacon brownies? Sure—chocolate and bacon are a great combo. Buy them at For traditional chocolate, we love Mo’s Bacon Bar from Applewood smoked bacon and alder wood smoked salt in 41% cacao deep milk chocolate. It rocks. If you want bacon chocolate in a more gifty form, the same chocolate is made into…
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PRODUCT REVIEW: Cheese of the Week ~ Beemster X-O

Beemster X-O from iGourmet. This week’s cheese recommendation comes from guest blogger Dana Romero, proprietor of La Fromagerie D’Acadiana in Lafayette, Louisiana. I love the flavor of this week’s cheese because “the butterscotch permeates the palate, followed by alternating waves of whiskey and pecan.” I am sorry if I am waxing euphoric over Beemster X-O,…
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