TIP OF THE DAY: Amaranth, The Grain Of The Future

Following yesterday’s recommendation of four uncommon whole grains, we received several queries about amaranth. Amaranth is planted worldwide, harvested for cereal and leaf vegetables, and used as ornamental plants. It has been cultivated for 8,000 years. There are some 60 species, tall plants with foliage ranging from purple and red to green or gold. Like…
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RECIPE: Cream Cheese Cheese Balls At Brunch

“Now shmear this!” says Hannah Kaminsky, one of our favorite food writer/photographers, about today’s tip: gourmet cream cheese balls. Hannah focuses on vegan cooking and baking, but everyone will find her recipes to be simply delicious. They’re a boon for people who are kosher, lactose-intolerant or simply cutting back on cholesterol. The recipe below can…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Best Scrambled Eggs

What’s the secret to making the best scrambled eggs? Our mom added milk; other people use water or club soda. According to super chef Wylie Dufresne of WD-50 in New York City, the magic comes from cream cheese. Here’s his recipe: RECIPE: BEST SCRAMBLED EGGS FROM CHEF WYLIE DUFRESNE Ingredients Per Serving 2 eggs Salt…
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RECIPE: Strawberry Egg Cream

There is tuna in tuna noodle casserole. There are strawberries in strawberry shortcake. There’s ice cream in an ice cream soda. But there’s no egg in an egg cream—and there’s no cream, either. The ingredients are milk, seltzer and chocolate syrup. In other words, it’s a carbonated chocolate soda made creamy with milk, or carbonated…
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FOOD FUN: Strawberry Footballs

Go team! Jumbo strawberries dress up as footballs. Photo courtesy Godiva.   It takes time and expertise to pipe decorations, so these chocolate-dipped jumbo strawberries from Godiva are priced at $7.50 each. If that’s too rich for your pocket, try making your own, and buy icing in an easy-squeeze tube instead of trying to pipe…
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