GADGET: The New Egg Timer

There’s a new egg timer on the market, one that’s purely visual. We’ve been enjoying the new Taylor Egg Timer. Simply place the timer into the water when cooking eggs on the stove top. The colors will change, indicating when you have soft, medium or hard boiled eggs. Internal sensors in these 21st century egg…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Give Away The Gadgets

If your kitchen gadget drawer is as clogged as most, it’s time to declutter. Take everything out of your gadget drawer. Sort the gadgets into three piles: use weekly, use monthly, haven’t used in a long time. If you haven’t used an item in year, give it away to someone who needs it (or to…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Gadget Gifts

We’re stuck on these magnetized, nesting cups and measuring spoons from Pyrex. Photo by Evan Dempsey | THE NIBBLE. If you have a favorite kitchen gadget, give it as a gift. It may seem small, but if it does a big job, the recipient will be grateful to have it (our friends were thrilled to…
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KITCHENWARE: Need An Extra Oven For Thanksgiving?

If you have just one oven but lots of side dishes to cook for Thanksgiving, this clever, multi-tiered oven rack may work for you. You can cook multiple dishes at once—the yams, Brussels sprouts and stuffing, for example. The rack, which is 15″ x 11″ x 8¼”, holds up to three levels of heavy casserole…
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