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TIP OF THE DAY: Wine Bottle = Rolling Pin

Don’t have a rolling pin? Use a wine bottle.
Photo by Karen Barefoot | SXC.

Some 600,000 to 750,000 rolling pins are manufactured and sold in the U.S. each year. But if you rarely use a rolling pin, you don’t need to take up space with one.

You can use a wine bottle to roll dough. It’s a bit more cumbersome, but it works!

Rolling pins are not only made from wood. For centuries, marble, blown glass and ceramic rolling pins have long been used. Hollow pins can be filled with ice water and plugged with stoppers to prevent the dough from sticking to the pin. Earlier in time, long cylinders of baked clay and smooth, peeled branches were used. Today, nonstick silicone-and-metal rolling pins are the state-of-the-art.

The rolling pin seems to have been invented by the Etruscans, who developed a broad range of cooking tools. An ancient and advanced people, they were the dominant society in what is now Tuscany by the ninth century B.C.E. With the rise of Rome, they, and their knowledge of cooking, were ultimately assimilated into the Roman Empire.

The Etruscans were perhaps the first “foodies,” raising numerous plants and animals that had not been previously used as food, and turning them into sophisticated recipes. They loved their food so much, they depicted its preparation on murals, vases and on the walls of their tombs.*

How To Use A Wine Bottle To Roll Dough
1. You can use a full or empty wine bottle. Wipe the bottle clean.
2. A chilled full bottle is best, because it has more weight and cools the dough so it doesn’t stick. You don’t have to roll a bottle of good wine: An empty bottle filled with water works just as well.
3. If you’re having trouble rolling out the dough, place it between sheets of wax paper to prevent sticking. Slightly chilled dough works more easily than dough at room temperature.

But if you’re ready to invest in a rolling pin, this red silicone-coated rolling pin is our latest favorite.

*Source: Wikipedia.


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TIP OF THE DAY: Bobby Flay’s Grilling Tips

TV personality Chef Bobby Flay, who has opened his first steakhouse, Bobby Flay Steak, at Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa in Atlantic City, wants everyone to become a grilling pro.

Just in time for Labor Day, Bobby shares his nine best tips, tricks and techniques with us.

Bobby also contributed his delicious Ribeye & Anaheim Chile Quesadilla recipe. You’ll love it.


Find more tips and recipes in our Gourmet Meats

Flipping burgers and other foods is easier
with this grill basket from

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RECIPES: Watermelon Creations For Labor Day Weekend

Substitute watermelon for tomatoes in a
Caprese salad. Photo courtesy

Enjoy the last official weekend of the summer by gathering


You can also learn the history of watermelon, nutrition/health benefits and other facts.

More than 1,200 varieties of watermelons are grown worldwide—including square melons specially bred to fit into mini Japanese refrigerators.

Find more recipes, lots of fun fruit facts and reviews of our favorite fruit products in our Gourmet Fruits Section.


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NEWS: Carrots, The New Junk Food

As the saying goes, if you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em.

If your kids want junk food instead of vegetables, give them vegetables packaged like junk food. And proclaim that those veggies are, in fact, junk food.

That’s what the 50-odd carrot growers behind have done. In what is perhaps the best food campaign since “Got Milk?” began in 1993, “Eat ‘Em Like Junk Food,” an ad campaign that begins next week, will hopefully double the $1 billion baby carrot market in two to three years. (We spend a billion dollars on baby carrots?!?!?)

But alas, the ads are breaking in just two markets (Cincinnati and Syracuse), so the rest of us will have to be content with the website. As of today, there’s not much on it except for a hypnotic heavy metal chant “Eat. Baby. Carrots. EXTREME!” It’s begging to be a ring tone.

We’ll check in next week.

No more smiling bunnies: baby carrots are
packaged like junk food. Photo courtesy

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PRODUCT: Black Garlic

Black garlic. Photo by Katharine Pollak |

Black garlic was was developed about 10 years ago by a company in Korea, and has been available to American chefs for about two years. But until recently, it hasn’t been easy for consumers to find it.

Now it’s popping up at specialty food stores and is available online. Anyone who delights in new flavors—or who loves garlic—should try it.

  • Skordophiles (that’s garlic lovers) may enjoy popping the fermented black garlic cloves directly into their mouths to get an intense wash of garlic, soy, molasses and tamarind flavors.
  • Cooks will have fun playing with a flavorful new ingredient.


Learn all about black garlic, including recipes.

Find more of our favorite seasonings and recipes.

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