A bowl of mascarpone dip. Photo courtesy
Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. |
Mascarpone, the thick and delicious “Italian cream cheese,” is the key ingredient in tiramisu and a favorite for topping berries. In fact, it’s thanks to tiramisu, which has become a favorite dessert in the U.S., that most of us know what mascarpone is.
The fresh cheese is used in savory recipes too, of course. We like it as a quick and easy cocktail spread.
Blend mascarpone with your favorite flavors—Dijon mustard, mashed anchovies, capers and fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme), curry, salsa—there are vast opportunities. You can even divide the tub of plain mascarpone and make two different flavors.
Serve the spread in ramekins with fancy crackers or with thin-sliced toasted baguette. Delicioso!
By the way, a surprising number of people mispronounce and misspell the name of the cheese. It’s MAH-scar-POE-nay, not MAR-scah-POE-nay; mascarpone not marscapone.