TIP OF THE DAY: Flavored Cream Cheese

If you don’t have time to make scallion cream cheese, do the next best thing: Snip chives into a small dish so that guests can sprinkle them on top of the cream cheese. It takes two minutes to wash and snip the chives.   When we serve flavored cream cheeses at brunch, the scallion cream…
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Zippier Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipes For National Grilled Cheese Day

Today is a holiday you can really sink your teeth into: National Grilled Cheese Day! In fact, April is also National Grilled Cheese Month—a much tastier concept than Taxes Are Due Month. Grilled cheese sandwiches are one of our favorite comfort foods—for lunch, light supper or snacks. You can cut them in quarters for smaller…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Water Glass Garnishes

Take a tip from stylish restaurants and add slices of lemon, lime or cucumber (or a plump strawberry) to the rim of water glasses. After you’ve cut the slices, make an additional cut from the center to the edge, and use that notch to affix the fruit to the rim. Guests can remove and float…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Re-Think Your Salt

Alaea red lava salts from Hawaii are colored and flavored by clay in the local water. Photo courtesy of Saltworks.us.   Bid adieu to one of America’s food icons, the Morton Salt Girl, whose iodized salt is too salty. Instead, accent your food with the far more vivid flavors of sea salts. There are dozens,…
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