TIP OF THE DAY: Drink Your Peaches (Peach Sangria, Peacharita, Etc.)

[1] This weekend, how about a big pitcher of peach cooler? (Photo courtesy Sparkling Ice.) [2] You can use any glass you like. Collins glasses are sturdier, but wine glasses are elegant (photo courtesy Carrabbas Italian Grill). [3] A Peacharita, with a birds-eye chile garnish (photo courtesy Peninsula Hotel | New York).   As you…
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FOOD FUN: Slab Pie Art

Since the old-fashioned slab pie started trending a few years back, almost every fruit pie we’ve made has been a slab pie. Why? They’re sooooo easy! A slab pie is a shallow pie that’s baked in a jelly roll pan or a rimmed baking sheet. It has a much higher crust-to-filling ratio than a standard…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Create An International Version Of Your Favorite American Sandwich

August is National Sandwich Month. We love sandwiches so much, we created a glossary with the different types of sandwiches. It is true that the Earl of Sandwich was inadvertently responsible for creating the modern English sandwich. But what we recognize as a sandwich—bread and filling—likely dates to around 9000 B.C.E., when permanent settlements were…
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FOOD FUN: Watermelon Iced Tea

[1] Basic watermelon iced tea, recipe below (photo courtesy Republic Of Tea). [2] Watermelon-pomegranate green iced tea. Here’s the recipe from Watermelon.org. [3] Fresh herbs and watermelon are a delightful pair. Here’s a recipe for Watermelon Basil Iced Tea from The Candid Appetite.   It’s a magical August day here: lower-than-average temperature, low humidity. It’s…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Cold Pasta For Hot Days

If you love pasta but not the idea of a steaming plate of it on a hot summer day, the solution is simple: cold pasta. Cold noodles have been a standard in Asia since…the creation of pasta? That was around 1700 B.C.E. in China (here’s the the history of pasta). The recipes that follow were…
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