CONTEST: Turn Your Kitchen Catastrophe Into Cookware

  As Halloween approaches, is inviting people to share their own personal cooking nightmares in the site’s first “Skeletons in Your Kitchen” Contest. The website is looking for real-life kitchen catastrophes to share and laugh about with their readers. Why? According to Cherie Boldt, Brand Manager of Alive & Cookin’, “We all have a…
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BOOK WATCH: All Things Crab

  There are almost 4,000 different species of edible crab, and 1.5 million tons of crab meat are consumed worldwide each year. In the new cookbook Crab, Andrea Froncillio (of San Francisco’s Stinking Rose restaurant) and Jennifer Jeffrey guide you through how to select, clean, prepare and store crab. Crab has 35 recipes including the…
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GOURMET TRAVEL: Festival Of Foie Gras

  This week, nearly 20 restaurants in Philadelphia will offer foie gras lunch and dinner dishes for only $5 in response to recent pressure by the animal rights group, Hugs for Puppies, to remove the controversial delicacy from menus. The restaurants, working under the umbrella of Chefs for Choice and the Artisan Farmers Alliance, have…
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DISCOUNT: Charles Chocolates Birthday Discount

  Charles Chocolate is celebrating its third birthday—and offering a 25% discount through October 15 on delightful edible chocolate boxes. As an added bonus, everyone who takes advantage of this discount will receive an e-mail coupon for 10% off on all holiday orders. Visit Charles, and read our full review of Charles Chocolates.

NEWS: Pomegranate Juice A Cancer Fighter

  There’s more research to support pom’s anti-carcinogen claims, although the study has been done in rats. But, lab rat testing at U.C.L.A. indicates that natural chemicals in pomegranate juice may slow the growth of prostate cancer. The key cancer-fighting chemicals, called ellagitannins, are also found in strawberries, raspberries and muscadine grapes. Scientists theorize that…
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