BOOK: Morton’s The Cookbook

Morton’s The Steakhouse has produced Morton’s The Cookbook: 100 Steakhouse Recipes for Every Kitchen. Now available at major bookstores, on and in all 81 Morton’s restaurants, the book is authored by Klaus Fritsch, co-founder and Executive Chef of Morton’s, with Morton’s Vice President of Wine & Spirits, Tylor Field III and Mary Goodbody, nationally…
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CONTEST: Bar Mitzvah Beer

Rejuvenator, one of the numerous varieties of HE-BREW. It’s never too late to celebrate your bar- or bat mitzvah. He-Brew Beer—an uber-kitschy concept to start with—wants to put vintage bar mitzvah pictures on the label. You with Uncle Izzie, with the challah, with your pink cherub cheeks under that yarmulke. The company, Shmaltz Brewing of…
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FOOD HOLIDAY: International Pickle Week ~ May 15-25

Is there anything more dill-icious than International Pickle Week? It was founded more than 60 years ago by Pickle Packers International, a trade association. The U.S. produces 20 billion pickles each year, an average of nine pounds of pickles per person. So for all the people who don’t eat pickles, or those who eat just…
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RECIPE: Classic French Pastry

Profiteroles are pâte à choux, filled with ice cream and topped with chocolate sauce. Pastry chef Jean-Yves Charon was born in Brittany, a region in the northwest of France. Growing up in France, Jean-Yves got to experience some of the best pastry the world has to offer. He recently shared his knowledge of the classic…
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TOP PICK: Sweet n’ Spicy Essential Cane Sugars

You don’t have to be a skilled chef to know there are secret ingredients that, with just a sprinkle or a splash, can turn an ordinary dish into something special—something that makes family and friends think that you are one step removed from entering the Top Chef competition. These bottles, jars and cans are what…
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