HOLIDAY GIFT: A Ham Gift Basket

A gift basket with enough ham for a party! Photo courtesy   Looking for a meaty gift for an important someone? A Hickory Valley Farms ham gift basket from Tommy Moloney’s might be just what they’d like to dig a fork into. We received one as a gift. The generously sized boneless ham, between…
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GIFT OF THE DAY: Original Moonshine, Delicious & Fun

This glass jug holds some mighty tasty moonshine. Photo courtesy Stillhouse Distillery.   Moonshine, a clear, unaged corn whiskey, has been produced in still houses in the hills of the southern U.S. since the country was settled. Moonshine was an illegal product: The “moonshiners” who made it not only avoided paying state and federal taxes…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Get Your Liquor Gifts For The Next 10 Months

During the holiday season, some makers of spirits, wine and Champagne, among others, package their bottles with additional gifts such as glasses, cocktail shakers and related accouterments. Often, the price for gift box packaging and the extra item is nothing beyond the cost of the regular bottle—or only a small additional amount. Either way, the…
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PRODUCT: Adult Chocolate Milk

Chocolate milk for adults: Delicious! Photo courtesy Adult Beverage Company.   Love chocolate? Like vodka? Need a delightful alcoholic gift? Take a look at Adult Chocolate Milk, a liquid confection made from real cream. While the company positions it as an alcohol-infused chocolate milk, to us it’s more of a creamy chocolate milkshake. Either way,…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Bacon And Chocolate

Chocolate with bacon and pistachios, chocolate bacon peanut butter cups and spicy bacon toffee. Photo by Elvira Kalviste | THE NIBBLE.   From coast to coast, from farmers’ markets to fine restaurants, the pairing of chocolate and bacon is the hottest combination to come along since salted caramels. Artisan confectioners have hopped onto the chocolate-and-bacon…
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