NEWS: Less Dungeness Crab This Year

Look at my big, meaty claws. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.   A cargo ship headed for South Korea ran into a Bay Bridge tower earlier this month, spilling 58,000 gallons of oil into the San Francisco Bay. The spill polluted beaches across the bay and beyond. As reported by the Modesto Bee, the oil spill…
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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: The Little Pearl Caviar

If you already love caviar, or would like a chance to study it more closely, The Little Pearl wants to help. A purveyor of sustainable caviars from all over the world, including those farmed in the U.S., there is no intimidation, mystery or pretentiousness here: It’s a friendly place to learn about caviar (so is…
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REVIEW: Miller’s Select Premium Crab Meat

If you’ve ever spent big money on a can of crab meat, only to be disappointed by the mediocre flavor and the pieces of shell—we feel your pain. We’ve thrown out more than a few such cans. That’s why we were so excited to discover Miller’s Select, premium wild catch crab meat, available in Jumbo…
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GOURMET TRAVEL: Oyster Festival

Oysters hang on long lines in the deep, cold waters, filtering water for food. Currently about 50,000 gallons of Pacific Oysters are harvested annually in the Vancouver Island area.   Next month is the height of of oyster season on the west coast of Vancouver Island. From November 15 to 18, ostreaphiles (oyster lovers)—and perhaps…
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