TIP OF THE DAY: Don’t Use Olive Oil When Grilling

When grilling, trade the olive oil for a high smoke point oil. Photo courtesy DeMedici.com.   Do you use olive oil when grilling? Perhaps you shouldn’t. Olive oil has a lower smoke point than other oils, so it will burn faster. Each fat (including butter, lard, oil and shortening) has a particular smoke point, which…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Healthier Grilling Options

Topped with garnishes, most people will enjoy a turkey or veggie burger as much as beef. Photo courtesy Cheesecake Factory.   At the Kendall College School of Culinary Arts in Chicago, creating “better for you” cuisine is a hot topic of discussion. Many culinary schools first train students in classic French technique. But today’s trend…
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TIP OF THE DAY: 7 Uses For Broth Or Stock

Digging in the back of the pantry, we found several cartons of beef, chicken and vegetable broth and stock stock nearing expiration. We grabbed a pencil and created this list of how to use them: Braise & Glaze. Braise meats, glaze vegetables. Any savory recipe that calls for the addition of water can probably be…
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TIP: Save Your Olive Pits

Save those olive pits! Photo courtesy Florida Department Of State.   Here’s something new to try this barbecue season: olive pits. Who knew: Dropping a few olive pits (a.k.a. stones) onto the barbecue coals adds a really special aroma that will have people guessing as to its origin. Here’s all you have to do: Collect…
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TRENDS: What’s New In Barbecue

Spell it barbecue, barbeque or the short form BBQ, May first is the start of the May-September peak outdoor cooking season. Not surprisingly, it’s National Barbecue Month. According to the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA), nearly 14 million grills and smokers were shipped in 2013. This year’s industry expo, held in March, displayed more…
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