NEWS: Haagen-Dazs Downsizes Pints

The 16-ounce Haagen-Daz pint: soon to be history. Maybe no one noticed when yogurt when from 8 ounces to 6 ounces. But will Haagen-Dazs lovers take note when the iconic pint downsizes to 14 ounces, beginning in March, 2009? Faced with increasing cost of ingredients, many manufacturers must choose to raise prices or put less…
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PRODUCT REVIEW: Mamie’s Famous Cheese Wafers

In the South, cheese straws and biscuits are de rigueur for entertaining; elsewhere they are a popular cocktail snack—or simply great with a beer. Mamie’s Famous Cheese Wafers, which claims to be the first slice-and-bake hors d’oeuvre, is a real find. A peppery cheese biscuit, it keeps in the freezer until you have guests, then…
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RECIPES: Summer Cheese Recipes From Roth Käse

Cheese is an infinitely versatile and delicious foodstuff. Its many varieties can be used as an ingredient, an after-dinner treat—even the main focus of a meal. Every cheese complements its own range of other foods as well. Here, we present six summery recipes, developed by master chefs across the country and presented by master American…
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PRODUCT REVIEW: Bufala Di Vermont Yogurt

A yogurt lover’s dream: thick water buffalo yogurt from Bufala Di Vermont is richer and sweeter than yogurt from cow, sheep or goat milk. And it’s much easier to digest.   Yogurt-lovers are in for a treat, with the thick, creamy, sensual pudding-like yogurt made from water buffalo milk. People who don’t like yogurt because…
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CONTEST: Yogurt Trivia Gourmet Giveaway

Today, yogurt has moved beyond a simple dairy staple to a glamorous topping and ingredient, as shown in this breakfast parfait. Learn about the different types of yogurt in our Yogurt Glossary. Like yogurt? Enter this week’s Gourmet Giveaway: The lucky winner of our yogurt prize will get to enjoy a selection of water buffalo…
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