This photo was “eye candy” to us (photo #1). It’s popcorn, but it looks like rocher (photo #2), a classic French candy made from almond slivers and chocolate (photo #s). So of course, we had to try it sooner rather than later. October is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month, so before we give you the recipe (photo #1), here are some facts about popcorn from The Popcorn Board.
Popcorn is a whole grain.
Americans consume some 15 billion quarts of this better-for-you treat each year. That’s 47 quarts per man, woman, and child. Well, that’s what the numbers say, anyway.
Sales for home consumption peak in the fall.
Popcorn is a type of maize (corn), a member of the grass family.
Corn has 4 or 5 varieties, depending on how you look at it: dent, flint, flour, popcorn, and sweet. Popcorn is a variety of flint corn, and only popcorn pops.
Dent corn (Zea mays indenata), also called field corn, is typically used as livestock feed, in industrial products, or to make processed foods.
Flint corn (Zea mays indurata), also known as Indian corn, is used for similar purposes as dent corn.
Flour corn (Zea mays amylacea) is, as the name says, ground into flour and used for baked goods. It has a soft, starch-filled, kernel that is easy to grind.
Sweet corn (Zea saccharata or Zea rugosa) is the variety we eat as corn on the cob and is canned and frozen.
Popcorn (Zea mays everta has a soft starchy center surrounded by a very hard exterior shell. When the kernel is heated, the natural moisture inside the kernel turns to steam which builds up enough pressure for the kernel to explode.
Most popcorn comes in two basic shapes when it’s popped: snowflake and mushroom.
> Here’s the history of popcorn.
> Here’s what makes popcorn kernels pop.
> There are more great popcorn recipes below: savory as well as sweet.
With sweet toffee bits and toasted almonds, milk, and dark chocolate, this chocolate-covered popcorn treat is definitely a crowd pleaser.
Ingredients For 4 Servings
4 cups popped popcorn
3/4 cup chopped toasted almonds, divided
6 tablespoons toffee bits, divided
6 ounces milk chocolate, melted
1 ounce dark chocolate, melted
1. LINE a baking sheet with parchment.
2. TOSS together the popcorn, 1/2 cup of almonds, and 4 tablespoons of the toffee bits. Drizzle with the melted milk chocolate; toss until well coated.
3. TRANSFER to the baking sheet. Drizzle with the dark chocolate; sprinkle with remaining almonds and toffee bits.
4. REFRIGERATE for about 30 minutes or until set; break into clusters. You’re ready to enjoy a handful!
Alternative Popcorn Uses
Arugula-Fig Salad With Popcorn Garnish (photo #4)
Chocolate Toffee Popcorn
Corn Custard With Popcorn Garnish
Easy Microwave Popcorn
How To Remove The Burnt Popcorn Smell
Jalapeñno-Parmesan Popcorn
Kale-Lime Popcorn (photo #5)
Popcorn Ball Ice Cream Sandwiches (photo #3)
Popcorn Meatloaf Recipe
Pairing Wine & Popcorn
Popcorn Candy Balls
Popcorn Cupcakes
Popcorn Ice Cream
Popcorn Party Bar
Popcorn Peanut Brittle
Popcorn Salad
Popcorn Trivia
Rosemary-Parmesan Popcorn
Sage Popcorn
S’mores Popcorn
Sweet & Savory Popcorn Garnishes
Triple Caramel Popcorn Fudge
Truffle Popcorn
Candy Corn Popcorn Balls
Chocolate-Drizzled Popcorn
Christmas Popcorn Balls
Cranberry & Chocolate Spiced Popcorn
Cranberry Popcorn Balls
Chocolate-Cranberry Popcorn Bark With Toffee
Cranberry-Orange Popcorn Balls
Halloween Popcorn Balls (photo #6)
Halloween Popcorn Balls #2
Halloween Witch Popcorn Balls
Haunted Halloween Popcorn Hands
Maple Pecan Popcorn
Popcorn Snowman
Pumpkin Spice Popcorn
White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn Bark

[1] Toffee popcorn: popcorn, toffee bits and chocolate. Yum! (photos #1, #3, #5 © The Popcorn Board).
[2] French rochers: slivered almonds covered in chocolate. These are from chocolatier Elaine Hsieh (photo © EH Chocolatier).
[3] How about a popcorn ball ice cream sandwich? Here’s the recipe.

[4] An arugula and fig salad with a popcorn garnish (photo © Le Coq Rico | La Rotisserie | NYC).

[5] Kale popcorn: savory and nutritious. Here’s the recipe.

[6] Halloween popcorn balls. Here’s the recipe. For Christmas, Valentine’s Day, switch out the candy corn for peppermint chips or Red Hots (photo © Pots And Pans).
*The grass family includes all of the major cereals: barley, maize, oats, rice, and wheat; and most of the minor grains as well, including common millet, finger millet, rye, teff, and many others that are less familiar to us. It also includes such important species as sugar cane and sorghum.
Grains—whether they’re in their natural forms like rice and quinoa, or made into bread or breakfast cereals—tend to make up the bulk of the human diet. They are affordable sources of carbohydrates and protein, they’re a versatile base for many thousands of grain products.