GIFT OF THE DAY: Bacon Sea Salt

Sprinkle bacon sea salt on everything (photo courtesy Food Shed Exchange).   Bacon, bacon, everywhere: That’s what you’ll have with a container of bacon sea salt. Crumbled bacon is blended with crunchy sea salt and a hint of spices. There are countless ways to use it. For starters: Eggs Hors d’oeuvre Mac & Cheese and…
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FOOD FUN: Pumpkin Soup In A Mini Pumpkin

Express your inner artist by turning miniature pumpkins into bowls for pumpkin soup. The next fun part is garnishing them with whatever appeals to you. Some of our favorites: Croutons: cornbread, pumpkernickel or sourdough Dairy: crème fraîche, sour cream, yogurt Heat: crushed red pepper flakes, red jalapeno (circles or minced) Meat: bacon, frizzled ham or…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Thanksgiving Chocolate Bars Or Bark

[1] Turn a plain 3.5-ounce chocolate bar into a Thanksgiving bar (photo © Livestrong). [2] You can present the bars whole, or break them up into bark (photo © The Nutrition Adventure). [3] You can use your favorite chocolate, whether dark, milk, or… (photo © Chocolate Inspirations). [4]…white chocolate (photo © My Catholic Kitchen.  …
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GIFT OF THE DAY: Chocolat Moderne Chocolate Bars

Our favorite chocolate bars have long been everything in the Avant Garde Bars line from Chocolat Moderne. We discovered the company in 2005 and have been nibbling away since. Joan Coukos’chocolates, made with Valrhona chocolate, are always innovative in flavor and design. Even if we weren’t so beguiled by the Jackson-Pollack-like hand-painted designs on the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Thanksgiving Cheeses

[1] Jack O’Pumpkinseed, a mountain-style cheese from Switzerland. [2] Cranberry goat cheese log from Montchèvre. [3] Pumpkin spice goat cheese log from Montchèvre. [4] Another Pumpkinseed Gouda from The Netherlands, at Sam’s Club.   If you read our articles on Halloween Cheeses, you know that many of them are colorful representation of the Harvest Season.…
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