TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Biscotti Bites

Top: Each Biscotti Bite is a 12-calorie treat. Photo: Thomas Francois | FOT. Bottom: Almond, one of the three flavors of Biscotti Bites. Photo: The Bites Company.   Every person who is mindful of calories searches for those magical foods that deliver the satisfaction without the calories. We discovered one such food in Biscotti Bites…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Don’t Toss The Broccoli Stems

Many people don’t like broccoli stems, as proven by the bags of florets-only in the produce section. But while the texture is different, the stems are just as tasty, with just as much nutrition and cruciferous antioxidants. If, for whatever reason, you don’t cook them along with the florets, put them to another use. Cook…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Serving Raw Mushrooms

We really appreciate mushrooms. They’re what we call a “bonus” food: extremely low in calories and a versatile ingredient in cooked foods from omelets to rice pilaf to meat loaf to sauces. They’re also delicious raw. Our marinated mushroom salad is very popular (recipe

Overnight Oats Recipe With Different Toppings

Overnight oats are trending. According to Pinterest, there were 5 million overnight oats pins in 2015, a whopping 211% increase over 2014. If your goal is to eat a better breakfast and more whole grains, here’s how it can be ready for you to eat each morning. You can eat the oats at home or…
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RECIPE: Homemade Tomato Soup With Goat Cheese Crostini

We love tomato soup, but have run out of patience with the added sweeteners—typically corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. We don’t like the excessive sweet taste of the soup, we don’t like the added calories, and we certainly don’t like HFCS. For National Soup Month, here’s an easy recipe from Davio’s Boston, one…
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