TIP OF THE DAY: Balsamic Vinegar Dessert Sauce

Your balsamic vinegar can multitask as a dessert sauce: Strawberries drizzled with balsamic vinegar have been a classic Italian dessert for centuries. To go a step further, add cracked pepper and whipped cream or vanilla or chocolate ice cream (fig ice cream is great if you can find it or make it). Another balsamic dessert:…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Tools Of The Trade

Get a set of great kitchen knives and you’ll instantly be a better cook—everything you cut will look terrific. Dull blades don’t let you slice finely or crisply. They’re also dangerous—they require more force, which can lead to slips and cuts. (When was the last time you sharpened your knives? Look in your Yellow Pages…
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PRODUCT: Comfort Crunch Fruit & Nut Mixes

Dried fruit and nut mixes have probably been popular since the dawn of man. It wouldn’t have taken much for a hunter-gatherer to combine some raisins from wild grapevines with crunchy nuts and deem the combination better than either food alone. But it’s taken until recent times for fruit and nut mixes to be seasoned…
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