TIP OF THE DAY: Asian-Style Pasta (It’s Called Noodles)

Pasta originated in China. Scholars credit the Chinese with making noodles from rice flour as early as 1700 B.C.E., the 17th century before the common era (or before Christ, if you still use the old system). The pasta-centric Italians believe pasta dates back to the ancient Etruscans, who inhabited the Etruria region of Italy (the…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Lettuce Wraps

We love to start the new year with lettuce wraps instead of bread-based sandwiches. If you use the right lettuce—a soft variety like butter or bibb lettuce—you can roll the filling like a burrito. If you prefer a crunchier lettuce like romaine, you can fill the leaves boat-style; or you can create a lettuce cup…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Chinese Chicken Salad

Since we were a mere tot, we’ve loved Chinese chicken salad. This American invention combines Asian ingredients into a delicious fusion. There are variations on the name, but the rules are neither hard nor fast: “Mandarin” refers to the mandarin segments in the recipe. Chinese Chicken Salad uses mandarin or pineapple plus fried chow mein…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Delicious Lamb Salad Recipe

You’ve enjoyed Chef’s Salad and Cobb Salad, with chicken or turkey, ham and bacon. Why not a beef salad, lamb salad or pork salad? Americans have not sufficiently mastered the art of blending meats and vegetables into delicious salads. Take a tip from Thailand and combine lamb (or beef, or pork) and asparagus into a…
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