TIP OF THE DAY: Make A Frittata

Making an omelet requires a bit of technique. If your omelets don’t look as lovely as you’d like, there’s an easy solution: Make a frittata! With an omelet, the filling ingredients are placed on the beaten eggs that are setting in the pan. As the omelet continues to cook, it is folded with a spatula…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Make Delicious Charred Vegetables

Some recipes specify charring bell peppers to make it easy to remove their skins and purée them. But we char them just to enjoy the charred flavor. Charring is a step beyond simple grilling. If you haven’t discovered the joy of charring vegetables on the grill—or haven’t ventured beyond corn, mushrooms and potatoes—let us whet…
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RECIPE: Pressure Cook Beans & Rice—Fast!

Some people don’t eat more whole grains because they take too long to cook. But with a pressure cooker, brown rice is ready in 10 minutes, beans in 20 minutes (and really long cookers like short ribs in 40 minutes). Start your healthy New Year with a pressure cooker. We love our top-of-the-line Kuhn Rikon…
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TIP OF THE DAY: How To Pour Champagne

The wrong way to pour Champagne or sparkling wine (photo by Diana Myrndorff | SXC).   There’s science in everything, including pouring a glass of Champagne. According to a new study published in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Champagne is a drink best poured tilted—the opposite of how most people pour it, straight…
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