THE NIBBLE BLOG: Products, Recipes & Trends In Specialty Foods

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TIP OF THE DAY: Cupcake Toppers

Insert “character cookies” into the tops of cupcakes to create an innovative and memorable dessert or snack. Animal cookies, people cookies, flowers and fanciful shapes turn cupcakes into edible sculptures that delight children and adults alike. You also can use the cookies on top of cakes or around the sides of a cake to create an entire story. Click here to see other ideas in THE NIBBLE’s article, “Things To Do With Cookies.”  
These animal-topped treats come from
The Cupcake Fairy.

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TIP OF THE DAY: Salad Surprise

Try this recipe for mâche, also known
as field salad, with rose petals, poppy
seed, strawberries and kumquats.
  Think of making your salad course a daily “special.” Instead of a simple, dressed green salad, look for something different to add to it each day: strips of chicken or beef from a prior day’s roast, marinated grilled vegetables, gherkins or pickled vegetables, a slice of duck prosciutto, chopped dried fruit, fresh fruit (apples, pears, citrus segments), cubed or shredded cheese, cubed leftover potatoes. Think international themes; for example, bean sprouts or water chestnuts marinated in a sesame vinaigrette. You don’t need to look far for inspiration: It’s probably already in your refrigerator and cabinets. Keep your family guessing as to what the next day’s “salad surprise” will be. Find more interesting salad recipes on

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More than 18 months ago, we were invited to a party in San Francisco to celebrate the anniversary of one of our favorite cheese makers, Cowgirl Creamery. Many great American cheese makers brought their best cheeses to the celebration. But what we remembered most following that assembly of fine fromage were the enchanting, irresistible flatbreads from Rustic Bakery, a small artisan enterprise which had started up only nine months earlier. It was by no means ready to set up an e-commerce operation, but we kept calling regularly with high hopes. We simply had to have a steady supply of such great flatbreads to accentuate cheese, soup, salad or as a great munchie with a glass of wine or beer.

Each time we called to find out when we could order online, the product line had expanded. One time it was panforte crostini, the next time, cookies. Finally, the e-commerce engine turned over, and now those of us not within driving distance of Larkspur, California (across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco) can experience these unleavened luxuries and their classy cookie cousins. While the company name, Rustic Bakery, honors a 50-year-old heritage, there’s nothing rustic about these sophisticated stunners.

The Hazelnut & Sultana Panforte Crostini
is just one of the remarkable artisan
products from greater San Francisco flatbread and cookie baker, Rustic
Oh, how lucky the Larkspur locals are, to be able to have their morning java with these glories, or to take afternoon tea with a plate of such special cookies. The rest of us can order up a bunch, put some flowers on the table and imagine we’re on vacation at a spectacular inn. Each bite makes you proud to be part of the American artisan food movement. For surely, our role, to purchase and savor such fine products, is as important as the role of the artisan who crafts them. The products are made with organic ingredients. Read the full review on, as we describe each delicious bite.

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Man bites dog: 150 million of them on July Fourth alone!
  Like sausage? Enter this week’s Gourmet Giveaway: The lucky winner of our hot dog prize will get to enjoy two large gourmet sausages, Mild Summer Sausage and Spicy Summer Sausage, with matching mustards: Sweet ‘n’ Hot Mustard, Hickory Mustard and Hot Mustard, from Dan The Sausageman. The sausages are 20 ounces each, and can be enjoyed as snacks, on pizza, in pasta, old-style with sauerkraut or as part of a mixed grill. Retail value $30.99. This and other sausage gifts are available at Enter the Gourmet Giveaway by answering a few fun trivia questions about hot dogs; you don’t have to answer correctly to win. Find more of our favorite gourmet sausages in the Sausages & Charcuterie Section of THE NIBBLE online magazine.

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TIP OF THE DAY: Ham & Goat

Instead of Swiss or Cheddar on your ham or turkey sandwich, spread an ounce of fresh goat cheese (chèvre). Add your lettuce and tomato, and for an exciting extra dimension, some chopped fresh basil. Fresh goat cheese is so moist, you may not need mustard or mayonnaise; but look to mayo rather than mustard so as not to overpower the flavors of delicate chèvre. Our favorite: Lemonaise or Lemonaise Light from The Ojai Cook—you’ll never go back to regular mayonnaise again! If you don’t like fresh chèvre, get an aged goat cheese—there are goat Cheddars, goat blues, glorious goats in almost every style of cheese, just waiting to be discovered. Click here to learn more about goat cheese on  
Gourmet goat cheese: Crottins of Chavignol, an AOC-designated goat cheese from France.

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