THE NIBBLE BLOG: Products, Recipes & Trends In Specialty Foods

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PRODUCT: Red Dragon Cheese

This vegetarian Welsh Cheddar has a kick of whole mustard seeds. It’s spicy without being a fire-breathing dragon. Made with brown ale as well, you can enjoy it in many ways, including on a sandwich with a glass of brown ale.

Read the full review of this spicy Welsh Cheddar.

Learn more about Cheddar (incidentally, it’s the ancient cheese of the monarchs).

Learn about the different types of ale and beer in our Beer Glossary.

Red Dragon Cheese topped with a chunk of green-marbled Sage Derby.

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PRODUCT: Tasty Pastry, Kouign Aman

This buttery Breton pastry makes an
addictive addition to your morning coffee.
Photo by Corey Lugg | THE NIBBLE.


Seldom found in French bakeries in America, kouign amann (pronounced (kween ah-MAHN) is a Breton pastry (from Brittany, a region in France).

This laminated pastry is time consuming to make, but the payoff is something distinctive and wonderful. If you’re a baker, bake some. Or splurge and have them sent from a top baker as a treat.

Read the full review to learn more about kouign amann.

Read reviews of more of our favorite pies and pastries.


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PRODUCT: Deluxe Honeydrop Honey Drink

Love honey? Want a natural, sweet drink without sugar? The makers of Deluxe Honeydrop invite you to “bee alive” with their line of noncarbonated, honey-infused beverages, an alternative to the juice drinks and sweet flavored waters on the market. USDA-certified organic and OU-certified kosher, in BPA-free bottles, this is a drink one can feel good about.

Read our full review of Honeydrop Honey Drinks, and learn where you can buy it to try it.

Honey-lovers, rejoice: find out everything you’ve ever wanted to know about honey.

As the bee says, it tastes good!


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CONTEST: Win $5,000 With Your Tilapia Recipe

Tilapia have lovely pink scales.
Good news for people who like cooking with tilapia, saving money and winning contests! Regal Springs Tilapia seeks contestants to submit cost-effective and family-friendly tilapia recipes. The person to submit the most creative, most thorough and, of course, most delicious dish will win a grand prize of $5,000. Read the details and submit your recipes to Regal Springs by August 1, 2009.
Do your homework. Get the basic background info on tilapia and hundred of other denizens of the sea in our Seafood Glossary.

A cooking tip from The Nibble: mild-tasting, value-oriented fish such as tilapia take well to strong, savory simmer sauces. Here are some flavors to inspire your winning recipes!

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NEWS: Health & Environmental Impact Of Red Meat

In March, The Archives of Internal Medicine published a decade-long study on red meat’s impact on human health and the environment. 500,000 American men and women between the ages of 50 and 71 participated in the study. The unfortunate findings: Other things being equal, men and women who consumed the most red meat and processed meat (such as hot dogs) were likely to die sooner, especially from the two leading U.S. killers, heart disease and cancer, than people who consumed much smaller quantities of red meat.

The study concludes that people who condume a lot of red meat should replace some of that intake with fish and poultry, which contain less saturated fat. These diet changes could also help the environment, since livestock production contributes to soil erosion, global warming and water pollution.

One thing the report didn’t take into account, though, was organic, grass-fed beef versus factory-farmed. Organic, grass-fed beef has higher levels of vitamins, lower levels of saturated fats, and doesn’t have nearly the environmental impact as factory-farmed.

– If you’re a meat-lover through and through, read up on beef in our Beef Glossary.

– Or if you prefer alternatives, check out our Seafood Glossary.

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