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TIP OF THE DAY: Celebrate Spring With Edible Flowers

Spring, our favorite season, begins today. We’re celebrating with a floral flourish.

Look for edible flowers at stores that carry specialty produce. Not all flowers are edible (or tasty), but there’s quite a variety to choose from. (If you want to use flowers from your own garden, it’s OK as long as they are pesticide-free.)

Flowers are used in many types of cooking: Asian, East Indian, European and Middle Eastern cuisines are flower-friendly. Flowers in food were popular in Victorian England. They were eaten by the early settlers in America—anything that could be eaten, was. The first recorded mention of edible flowers comes from 140 B.C.E.!

If edible flowers sounds like a strange concept, remember that lavender (used in everything from ice cream and syrup to scones and tea, not to mention liqueur) and candied violets are popular accents in our cuisine. Squash blossoms, stuffed and fried in light batter or cornmeal are a delicacy served in fine restaurants. In addition to eating sunflower seeds, try the petals!

  • Scatter them in salads or anywhere you’d like a peppery flavor accent.
  • Using them as plate décor.


Spring Salad

A colorful spring salad embellished with
edible flowers. Photo by Kelly Cline | IST.

  • Use both the color and flavor of nasturtiums to make a special mayonnaise.


  • Read all about edible flowers—types, history and the many different ways to use them in food.

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EASTER: Hand-Rolled Marzipan Eggs


The Easter bunny was hard at work on
these marzipan eggs (with help from
Martine’s Chocolates).

Aren’t these lovely? Hand rolled to create a rainbow of colors, these marzipan eggs from Martine’s Chocolates will delight marzipan lovers. Martine also makes lovely hand-colored solid chocolate eggs with a similar sensibility (the colored design is “inlaid” into the chocolate) and many other Easter treats.

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TIP OF THE DAY: Roast Those Veggies

We love roasted vegetables—we could make an entire meal of them.

If your family won’t eat their share of boiled or steamed veggies, try roasting them—it’s easy. (Their daily “share,” by the way, is three to five half-cup servings.)

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Slice up root vegetables (or seasonal favorites). Beets, bell peppers, carrots, eggplant, onions, parsnips, turnips, zucchini—anything you have a hankering for (or that’s on sale). You can add sliced sweet potatoes or white potatoes, too. The slices can be as large or as small a dice as you like.

Toss the veggies in olive oil and season with a bit of sea salt and fresh-ground pepper, and any fresh herbs—parsley, rosemary, oregano, etc. Then, spread them out on a baking pan in one layer and bake until golden brown and fork-tender.



Roasted beets. Photo courtesy

There are many variations to keep roast veggies interesting: Toss a bit of cinnamon, lemon zest, nutmeg or other favorite flavors with the olive oil.

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RECIPE: Thin Mint Cookies Recipe


Bake chocolate-covered mint cookies.
Photo courtesy Chocolat Céleste.

We’re a week late in celebrating the 98th anniversary of the Girl Scouts, founded March 12, 1912. But there’s no reason to skip the celebration. And there’s no better way to celebrate than with homemade Thin Mint cookies.

We love the Girl Scouts—we won the top award in our troop for selling 100 boxes of cookies.

But, as the Girl Scout Law states that “I will do my best to be honest and fair,” this recipe for Thin Mint cookies, developed by Chocolat Céleste’s Mary Leonard, is so much better!

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TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Bond Street Chocolate

Do you really want an Easter basket with jelly beans, marshmallow eggs and a chocolate bunny? Or would you rather have confections from a fine chocolatier who thinks outside the basket?

The answer may be “both”; but order early if you want to acquire these beautiful pieces of edible art from Bond Street Chocolate. They sell out!

To make these beautiful chocolate statues of Jesus and Our Lady of Guadeloupe (as well as Buddha and Moses), Bond Street Chocolate uses the finest E. Guittard’s 72% Coucher du Soleil, a dark, rich, smooth couverture chocolate with a creamy mouth feel and hints of thyme and jasmine. With all due respect, it is chocolate to pray for.

The chocolate is poured into handmade chocolate molds. The molded pieces are painstakingly hand-painted with edible gold leaf.

They are beautiful to look at, and you can keep the chocolate for up to a year as an object d’art before you have to decide whether it’s art or food.


Beautiful chocolate sculptures, embellished
with edible gold. Photo by Katherine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

For those who want a box of classic chocolates, Bond Street Chocolate’s sophisticated bonbons are available in traditional shapes, but with anything but standard flavor combinations—several with fine spirits such as Bourbon, Cachaça, Rum and Tequila, as well as florals and herbs such as hibiscus, lavender and tea. Send a box to your favorite chocolate gourmet, but hurry, as they do sell out.


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