We were recently enjoying a shipment of delicious Doc Popcorn when one of the flavors leaped out of the bag to capture our heart and palate.
It was Salt-n-Pepper: classic salted, buttered popcorn with a healthy dose of spicy pepper.
The fresh-ground pepper provided both heat and flavor. It’s terrific.
And it’s easy to recreate the experience at home: Just grind fresh pepper over your next batch of popcorn.
We enjoyed all of the flavors of Doc Popcorn:
Better Butter, Caramel Kettle, Classic Kettle, Cheesy Cheddar, Hoppin’ Jalapeño, Sinfully Cinnamon & Sweet Butter Popcorn.
Popcorn is a whole-grain food. Three cups equal one serving of whole grains.
The government’s dietary guidelines recommend six servings of grain per day, of which at least three should be whole grain.
Read our review of Doc Popcorn. Treat yourself, or send someone a gift.
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