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PRODUCT: Chips For The Cure

Chips for the cure, available through
October. Photo by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

Our favorite tortilla chip company, Food Should Taste Good, hopes to donate $75,000 to fight breast cancer. The company believes that food should not only taste good, but should do good as well.

The company launched its Food Should Do Good initiative to give back.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the company created pink-trimmed packaging for its Multigrain, Olive, and Sweet Potato tortilla chips. With each purchase, Food Should Taste Good will donate five cents to the cure.

Hopefully, enough chips will be enjoyed so that each of the three participating charities—Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the Ellie Fund and Susan B. Komen For The Cure—will receive $25,000 apiece.

But that depends on you! Chip in, and buy the special chips by the end of the month.

They’re available at major grocers nationwide including Kroger, Safeway, Stop & Shop and Whole Foods, in 5.5-ounce and 6-ounce bags. The bags are priced at $2.99 to $3.29.

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GOURMET GIVEAWAY: Sir Francis Bacon Peanut Brittle

Bacon with eggs? How common. How about bacon with peanut brittle? Now there’s a delightfully unexpected combination!

Sir Francis Bacon is offering five lucky winners the opportunity to try both bacon peanut brittle and their chocolate-covered peanut brittle bar. The sweet, the salty and the savory will keep you coming back for more. We loved it so much we made it a Top Pick Of The Week (read the review).

The brittle is produced in small batches in copper kettles. Buttery, salty, smoky and crunchy, this all-natural confection will find fans among everyone who likes bacon.

Retail value: Approximately $34.00

To Enter This Gourmet Giveaway: Go to the box at the bottom of our Best Bacon Gifts Section and click to enter your email address for the prize drawing.
This contest closes on Monday, November 11th at noon, Eastern Time. Good luck!

For more information about Sir Francis Bacon, visit

The sophisticated way to enjoy peanut brittle:
with bacon inside. Photo by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

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TIP OF THE DAY: Wine & Food Matching

Complex wine demands simple food.
Photo by Michal Szydlowski | SXC.

If you’re tempted to cook a fabulous meal to enjoy a great bottle of wine, remember the formula:

Complex wines demand simple food. You want the wine to be the focus of attention, not a dazzling dish of food.

Grilled steak, roast beef or lamb for a great red wine do the trick; as does grilled seafood or fish for a white wine.

Use subtle herbs and spices on the vegetables; avoid heavy sauces. Dress vegetables simply: This isn’t the time for your famous Roquefort sauce.

Simple cooking also gives you what you want most: the time to relax and enjoy that bottle of wine!

  • Bone up on the flavors and aromas of wine. Then, as you drink the wine, look for the particular flavors and aromas as you nose (sniff) and taste the wine.

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FOOD HOLIDAY: National Cookie Month

It’s National Cookie Month. You can celebrate in different ways.

First, you can try new cookie recipes. You don‘t have to eat them all: Make them as a birthday gift or a no-occasion thank-you for a neighbor, relative, teacher, hairdresser, healthcare provider (yes, they eat cookies, too) or other helper.

Second, you can learn more about cookies.

The chocolate chip cookie has evolved in
wonderful ways since the original chocolate
chip cookie. See who invented the
chocolate chip cookie.

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TIP OF THE DAY: Cauliflower & Cruciferous Veggies

[1] Rare cauliflower varieties: from top left, orange (Cheddar), Romanesco (Roman) and purple (photo © B. Sky | SXC.


We have a passion for cauliflower. Steamed or stir-fried, crudités or cauliflower soup, we eat a head a week.

A member of the botanical family Brassicaceae, the cauliflower species, Brassica oleracea, also includes arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, kale, horseradish, mizuna, mustard greens, radishes, rutabaga, turnips, wasabi, watercress and other vegetables.

In addition to being low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, cauliflower and its cruciferous cousins have phytochemicals (a type of antioxidant) that are potential cancer-fighters.

Studies have shown their ability to stop the growth of cancer cells in the breast, cervix, colon, uterus, liver, lung and prostate. (Consume them raw or lightly steamed to get the maximum amount of antioxidants.)

“Cauli-fiori” was introduced to France from Italy in the 16th century. A delicacy, it was enjoyed by the wealthy.

When you take a bite, think of King Louis XIV tasting “chou-fleur” for the first time.

The name means “cabbage flower,” from the Latin caulis, cabbage. “Flower” refers to the edible head of florets (called curds by professionals), surrounded by leafy green leaves.

We’re thrilled when we find a rare species of cauliflower at farmers markets. Look for orange or Cheddar, purple and the majestic Romanesco/Roman broccoli. All look beautiful on a plate of crudités or combined into a tricolor cauliflower salad.

If you’re making conventional white cauliflower, here’s a simple chef’s trick to keep it white as snow: Add a little milk to the cooking water.

  • First Course: Dip raw or lightly-steamed cauliflower into fondue or salsa (warm the salsa if serving with warm cauliflower).
  • Hors d’Oeuvre/Snack: Skewer orange, purple and white cauliflowers and serve them with a dip. You can place the skewers in a round loaf of crusty bread, hollowed out in the center to hold the dip.
  • Side: Serve mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes—veggie-avoiders can be tricked into eating it! Sprinkle with grated cheese, season with nutmeg or use your favorite spices.
  • Side: Roast cauliflower in the oven with root vegetables: carrots, parsnips, turnips—and baby onions.
  • Side: Make a cauliflower gratin with Parmesan or low-fat Cheddar cheese.
  • Side: A cauliflower curry is a spicy and colorful side dish.
  • Soup: Make some Cauliflower Cheddar Soup.
  • Soup: Want something more gourmet? Try Cauliflower Soup With Brown Butter & Paprika Croutons.

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