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TIP OF THE DAY: Switch Your Starches For Healthy Eating

[1] Alas, our beloved Corn Flakes are not whole grain. We’ve switched to Cheerios and oatmeal (photo by Hannah Kaminsky | © THE NIBBLE).

[2] Switch white rice for brown rice (photo © Village Harvest).

[3] Switch white potatoes for sweet potatoes (photo © Burpee).

[4] Popcorn is a nutritious, whole-grain snack (pho6to © Crunch Daddy).


These painless, easy switches to whole grains and other foods can give you more nutrition, more whole grain fiber and a new perspective on broadening your culinary repertoire.

Why do you need to eat more whole grains? Check this out and you’ll switch even faster!

Send us your favorite switches and we’ll add them to this list.

  • Switch your breakfast cereal. Choose a whole-grain cereal: oatmeal (see our favorite oatmeal brands), Cheerios, etc. (photo #1)
  • Switch white rice for brown rice. Alas, white rice has little nutrition. The action is all in the germ and kernel, which are removed from brown rice to make it white. Why, then, does the world prefer white rice? Because long ago, Chinese emperors had their brown rice polished into white for elegance. The process made white rice much more expensive. People aspired to eat like the emperors and paid the price, to the point where only the poor, who couldn’t afford it, ate brown rice. This stigmatized brown rice, the far better food! This process also played out with wheat in ancient Rome, where the wealthy had their whole wheat flour refined into white flour and soon only the poor ate brown (whole wheat) bread (photo #2).
  • Switch out rice for barley. Select whole or hull barley (with the bran intact) rather than the prettier pearled or hull-less barley. You know why! Barley is even more nutritious than brown rice. It has even more dietary fiber and protein, and is rich in copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and selenium and zinc; plus vitamin B6, folate, niacin and riboflavin.
  • Switch white potatoes for sweet potatoes. Use sweet potatoes in all of your potato recipes: baked, French fried (try baked sweet potato fries), potato salad, etc. Sweet potatoes are a nutritional powerhouse, filled with dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, iron and calcium. The Center for Science in the Public Interest gives a baked sweet potato a nutrition ranking of 184. A white baked potato: 83.
  • Make this substitute for mashed white potatoes: mashed sweet potatoes or mashed cauliflower, the latter from the cancer-fighting cruciferous group of vegetables.
  • Switch your pasta to whole wheat. Given how much pasta Americans eat, this is one of the easiest ways to get more whole grain into our diet.
  • Switch your bread, bagels and crackers to whole wheat/whole grain varieties. If you can’t find whole-grain crackers in your supermarket, you’ll find them at Whole Foods and other natural food markets—where you’ll also find whole-grain hot dog and burger buns. Another truly simple healthy switch.
  • Make a bean dish at least once a week. Research delicious bean recipes, and try artisan beans like Rancho Gordo for superb texture and flavor.
  • Make quinoa (one of the healthiest foods in the world) twice a week: as a side, in a salad, etc. Village Harvest, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week, produces whole grains—brown rice, quinoa, red rice and wild rice—that cook in the microwave in 45 seconds.
  • Try farro (spelt), another delicious whole grain.
  • Serve bean dip or hummus instead of mayonnaise- and sour cream-based dips. If you want a creamy dip, switch mayo and sour cream to fat-free Greek yogurt.
  • Snack on popcorn (a whole grain), tortilla chips (whole grain) and whole wheat pretzels instead of white-flour pretzels and potato chips. Check out our favorite line of tortilla chips from Food Should Taste Good, a NIBBLE Top Pick Of The Week.
  • Switch conventional potato chips for sweet potato chips. Look for Sweet Potato Terra Chips and Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips.
  • Serve corn chips (whole grain) and whole-grain pretzels or chia/salba chips (like Salba Smart) instead of potato chips.
  • Cook more of these whole grains: amaranth, barley, black/brown/red rice, buckwheat (kasha), bulgur (cracked wheat used to make tabbouleh), corn or cornmeal (including polenta), farro (spelt), kamut (khorasan wheat), millet, oats (oatmeal, whole or rolled oats), popcorn, quinoa, rye (whole), teff, whole wheat and wild rice. It’s a snap!


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    TOP PICK OF THE WEEK: Agave Nectar (Agave Syrup)

    Any nutritionally-aware person realizes that sugar tastes great but simply is not good for you.

    How about a natural sugar alternative that tastes great and is good for you?

    That’s agave nectar (also called agave syrup), made from the juices of the same plant that produces tequila: the blue agave. In the bottle, it looks like honey or maple syrup.

    Light agave nectar is a neutral sweetener, though some brands can taste like very light honey. Agave dissolves instantly in cold or hot beverages, and is used to sweeten lighter-flavor foods (like fruit salad).

    Dark agave nectar has caramel flavors, and is used in recipes and as a substitute for maple syrup or honey on pancakes, bread and other foods.

    The best part is that agave is a low-glycemic food. It has half the glycemic index of honey, maple syrup and table sugar; and it’s 25% to 50% sweeter, so you need much less of it.

    Agave is a real find. Make it your “find of the year.”

  • Read the full review of agave nectar.
  • See all the different types of sweeteners in our Sugar & Syrup Glossary.
  • Check out the low-calorie and no-calorie sweeteners in our Artificial Sweeteners Glossary.

    The Glycemic Index, or GI, is a system that ranks foods on a scale from 1 to 100, based on their effect on blood-sugar levels.

    The smaller the number, the less impact the food has on your blood sugar. Bad carbs have a higher GI, good carbs, lower.

    Here’s a detailed description of the glycemic index.
    The Glycemic Index Of Popular Sweeteners*

  • Agave: The GI is 32 GI and 60 calories per tablespoon. But it’s twice as sweet as sugar, so use half the amount so you don’t over-sweeten.
  • Brown Rice Syrup:† The GI (glycemic index) is 20 and 55 calories.
  • Maple Syrup: The GI is 54, and 52 calories per tablespoon.
  • Honey: The GI is 58 GI and 64 calories per tablespoon.
  • Sugar: White, brown, refined or natural, the GI is 60-65, and 48 calories per tablespoon.

    Herradura Agave
    The blue agave plant produces a sweetener that looks like honey, but is lighter, easily pourable, not as sticky and has half the glycemic index, It’s better for you! Photo by Cristian Lazzari | IST. Bottom photo by Hannah Kaminsky | THE NIBBLE.

    *Calorie data source:

    †Brown rice syrup is not recommended for diabetics. Consult your healthcare provider.

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Lettuce Salad

    You can make a salad with celery as the main
    ingredient. Photo and recipe courtesy
    Whole Foods Market.

    Commit to having at least one large plateful of salad every day. A salad first course will fill you up so you’ll eat less of the main course, which is typically starch and protein. And you won’t be hungry for dessert. Feel free to have seconds.

    Lettuce is a low calorie food. Most varieties have just 5 to 10 calories per cup. Just don’t heap on creamy dressings at 100 calories/tablespoon. Instead, use a vinaigrette with heart-healthy olive oil or a reduced-calorie dressing. And pre-dress the salad immediately prior to serving. This enables you to use the least amount of dressing to cover the ingredients.

    No matter how you might enjoy a crunchy salad of romaine or an iceberg wedge, it gets boring day after day. So here’s how to enjoy a different salad every day:

    • Find a good produce market and go to town with a different lettuce—or mix of lettuces. Switch among arugula, bibb lettuce, Boston lettuce, curly endive, endive, leaf lettuce, mâche (lambs’ lettuce), mesclun mixture, mizuna, oak leaf lettuce, radicchio, red-tip leaf lettuce, romaine (cos), Swiss chard and watercress.
    • Keep it interesting by adding at least two non-lettuce items to your salad: beans, beets, carrots, celery, cheese shavings/shredded cheese (in small amounts), cherry tomatoes/sundried tomatoes/tomatoes in season, cucumber, fennel, fresh fruit (berries, julienne of apples or pears; orange or tangerine segments), green beans, mushrooms, olives, onion or green onion, peas, pickles and other pickled vegetables, sprouts, water chestnuts, etc. There are scores of choices. You can add rice, grains, even leftover bacon—in moderation.
    • And don’t forget the herbs: basil, chives, cilantro, parsley or other favorite will really pick up the flavor of your salad.


    Speaking of celery, you can make a salad with a base of celery—or fennel, green beans or any green vegetable . Here’s a recipe from Whole Foods Market that serves four:


    Crunchy celery and sweet, tender citrus create a lovely salad that shows how just a touch of a highly flavorful ingredient—here feta cheese—can elevate a dish without adding too much fat or sodium. And balsamic vinegar is one of the great, high flavor/low calorie ingredients one can use in many different dishes.


    • 5 honey tangerines, Murcott or Satsuma oranges
    • 1 ounce (about 1/4 cup) feta cheese crumbles
    • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
    • 4 cups (about 1/4 pound) mixed salad greens
    • 1 cup roughly chopped celery leaves
    • 3 cups sliced celery



    1. Squeeze juice from one of the oranges into a large bowl.

    2. Add feta cheese and vinegar and mix with a fork, mashing the cheese to make a dressing.

    3. Peel remaining citrus and separate into segments. Transfer to bowl with dressing.

    4. Add salad greens, celery leaves and celery and toss well. Serve.

    Nutrition Per Serving: 110 calories (15 from fat), 1.5g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 5mg cholesterol, 190mg sodium, 23g total carbohydrate (5g dietary fiber, 17g sugar), 4g protein


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    GOURMET GIVEAWAY #2: Wish-Bone Ranch Salad Dressing

    Wish-Bone Salad Dressing has just revamped its popular Ranch dressing and is giving it to three lucky winners. The prizes also include a travel salad container with an ice pack, to keep salad-on-the-go fresh and crisp.

    Loaded with the flavor of herbs, garlic and a hint of tangy buttermilk, Wish-Bone’s smooth and creamy Ranch dressing is great on salads, vegetables in dips and more. It’s also available in a fat-free version, is an excellent source of Omega-3s and is gluten free.

    Retail Value Of Prize: Approximately $14.00.

    • To learn more about the new and improved dressing, visit
    • To Enter This Gourmet Giveaway: Go to the box at the bottom of our Oils, Vinegars & Salad Dressings Page and click to enter your email address for the prize drawing. This contest closes on Monday, January 10th at noon, Eastern Time. Good luck!

    Spread this dressing on your favorite bed of
    greens. Photo by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

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    GOURMET GIVEAWAY #1: Jif Peanut Butter Gift Basket & Calphalon Gourmet Roaster

    Cook with it, spread it on bread, eat it from
    the jar with a spoon. Photo courtesy Jif.

    Do you have a great peanut butter recipe idea that you think is good enough to win a contest? You still have time to enter your original recipe in the Jif Holiday Spread Recipe Contest to win one of two $10,000 kitchen makeovers.

    While your recipe just might be the winner, the odds of winning are much better in THE NIBBLE’s Gourmet Giveaway, which just happens to be a Jif Peanut Butter Gift Basket.

    The gift basket includes:

    • 1 Jar Jif Creamy Peanut Butter
    • 1 Jar Jif Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter
    • Jif Apron
    • Jif Recipe Cards
    Along with the gift basket, the winner will receive a Calphalon gourmet roaster to add to his/her kitchen cookware collection.

    HURRY! THE NIBBLE’s Gourmet Giveaway ends on January 10, and Jif’s contest ends on January 17.

    Retail Value Of Prize: Approximately $90.00.

    • To learn more about Jif and the Holiday Spread Recipe Contest, visit
    • To Enter This Gourmet Giveaway: Go to the box at the bottom of our Jams, Jellies, Preserves & Peanut Butter Page and click to enter your email address for the prize drawing. This contest closes on Monday, January 10th at noon, Eastern Time. Good luck! 

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