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TIP OF THE DAY: Fresh Mushrooms Need Air

Mushrooms tend to come packaged in a plastic-wrapped box; or if you select them from a bin, you put them in a plastic bag.

Plastic is not good for mushroom health: There’s no air and the ‘shrooms can’t breathe.

If you’re not going to use them immediately, transfer the mushrooms to a paper bag. We retain the bags from small purchases—deli purchases to greeting cards—for that purpose.

Properly bagged, the mushrooms will stay fresh for up to a week.

See many beautiful mushrooms in our Mushroom Glossary.

And yes, you can rinse mushrooms under water or in a bowl. Just give them a brief bath: enough to loosen dirt but not enough to intake water. Pat dry with a paper towel.

White beech mushrooms: Let ‘em breathe.
Photo by Claire Freierman | THE NIBBLE.

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FOOD HOLIDAY: Heavenly Hash Day

[1] The fruit salad version of Heavenly Hash, wrapped in sour cream (photo © When The Dinner Bell Rings | Blogspot [now closed].

[2] Heavenly Hash fudge, with chocolate chips, mini marshmallows and pecans. Here’s the recipe from Small Town Woman (photo © Small Town Woman).

[3] Heavenly Hash ice cream, with chocolate chips, marshmallow swirl and sliced almonds (photo © Stewarts Shop).


February 2nd is National Heavenly Hash Day. But which heavenly hash?

If someone offers you Heavenly Hash, you may want to clarify:

Is it a fruit salad bound with sour cream or whipped cream, or a chocolate confection or baked good filled with marshmallows and nuts?

The fruit salad version of Heavenly Hash is a traditional Southern dish. It began as a Christmas recipe with red maraschino cherries, green grapes, pecans and other ingredients folded into whipped cream.

Over generations the recipe evolved, with everyone inventing his or her own hash (the term, after all, indicates a jumble or muddle of ingredients).

So today the recipe for heavenly hash essentially requires some kind of fruit—fresh, canned and/or candied—in some kind of creamy white binder.

We prefer sour cream, but have also found, mayonnaise, pudding, whipped cream, even yogurt or cottage cheese and (gasp!) Cool Whip.

Here are just a few of the combinations we perused:

  • Fruit cocktail and maraschino cherries
  • Cherry pie filling and crushed pineapple
  • Shredded coconut and/or bananas
  • Grapes and mandarin orange segments
  • Enhanced with marshmallows and nuts
  • Flavored with lime Jell-O or vanilla pudding
  • All folded into the binder
    We make Heavenly Hash with fresh fruits (strawberries, bananas, pineapple, peaches) and nuts (a mix of pecans, pistachios and walnuts), folded into crème fraîche or slightly sweetened sour cream.

    If the whole concept sounds odd to you, know that Heavenly Hash is very much a comfort food to its fans.

    Ambrosia is a similar American fruit salad from the South.

    While some people use the terms interchangeably, most ambrosia recipes contain coconut and pineapple, mandarin or orange sections, and miniature marshmallows.

    As with Heavenly Hash, Ambrosia can also include nuts and maraschino cherries.

    We dug up an old Ambrosia recipe from Emeril Lagasse that uses fresh fruits (bananas, berries [3 types], oranges, pineapple), whipped cream and toasted coconut.

    And because it’s from a noted chef, there’s a chiffonade fresh mint leaves.


    Folks liked the concept of heavenly hash so much—different ingredients in a creamy base—they ported it into other sweets called Heavenly Hash:

  • A type of chocolate fudge, with added marshmallows and nuts (photo #2)
  • A cookie version, folding miniature marshmallows, chopped nuts and coconut in a chocolate cookie dough
  • A chocolate cake version, chocolate layer cake with marshmallow cream filling and chocolate icing garnished with nuts
  • An ice cream version: chocolate ice cream with a marshmallow swirl, chopped nuts and chocolate chunks (photo #3—or, use the ingredients with chocolate ice cream, parfait-style)
    So enjoy Heavenly Hash Day your style, with one of the ideas above; or freestyle it to create something new.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: Filling A Pepper Mill

    We didn’t heed our own device when refilling the pepper mill yesterday. The result: peppercorns all over the counter and floor.

    There’s a better way to do it:

    Fill a small plastic bag or even a paper envelope with the peppercorns. Snip off a corner. You’ll be able to better aim the peppercorns into the mill.

    • Now that you’ve mastered filling the pepper mill, master all the different types of peppercorns.
    • Pepper is not related to bell peppers or hot chile peppers. The term “pepper” was applied to the Chile by New World explorers, who related the hot and spicy flavor of chiles to the peppercorn they knew. Learn more about chile “peppers.”

    Keep ‘em in the peppermill, not on the
    counter. Photo courtesy SXC.

    Find more tips like this in the handy book, Tips Cooks Love.


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    COOKING VIDEO: Baked Chicken Wings For The Super Bowl


    Want to serve fresh, hot chicken wings at your Super Bowl party?

    In this video, the chef demonstrates how easy it is to bake chicken wings and offers options for two different sauces: one based on Peruvian peri-peri sauce, the other on Thai sriracha sauce.



    Now, you don’t have to wing it.

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    TIP OF THE DAY: Zest A Lemon, Lime Or Grapefruit

    After you juice a grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange or other citrus, do you throw it away?

    If so, you’re tossing out a delicious ingredient: the zest.

    Zest is the outermost part of the rind/peel/skin. Before you juice the citrus, remove the zest for use in other recipes. Scraping or cutting it from the skin is known as zesting.

    Note that the volatile oils in citrus peels are strongest just after zesting. So if possible, remove the zest just before you use it. Another tip: Finely grated zest releases more flavor than larger strips.

  • Add zest to your recipes: in baking, casseroles, marinades, rice, salad dressings, sauces, soups, stir frys and stews.
  • Perk up uncooked foods: from green salads and tuna/seafood salads to yogurt (plain and fruit-flavored).
  • Steep it with tea. A piece of lemon peel is traditionally served with espresso, so you can add some lemon zest in your coffee, if you drink it without milk (the acid in the fruit curdles milk).
  • Dry the zest for cooking and baking. Set it on paper towels or wax paper overnight; then store it in a recycled spice bottle. Save empty spice bottles so you can store different types of peel.

    Zesting a lime. Zest got its name from the “zestiness” it adds to food. Photo by Villy Fink Isaksen Wikimedia.

  • Make gremolata, a flavorful condiment of fresh lemon zest, minced garlic and chopped parsley. Here’s the recipe. Gremolata adds so much flavor, you can reduce the salt.
  • Make lemon butter: a compound butter that can be used atop grilled fish, shellfish and vegetables; on canapés; creating maitre d’hotel sauce and other uses.
  • Make zesty ice cubes. Keep a “lemon ice cube tray,” adding some zest to each compartment. As the ice melts, it adds flavor to cocktails, iced tea, soda and (of course) lemonade/limeade.
  • Add zest to sorbet. Along with the fruit’s juice, it will add intensity of flavor plus texture and eye appeal. Or, sprinkle store-bought sorbet with strips of zest.
    The fresher the zest, the more aromatic and flavorful; so don’t let it wane in the fridge.

    Be sure to wash and dry the fruit well before zesting. If you can, buy organic or unwaxed citrus.

    While some people use a paring knife, it’s much easier to use a zester (which creates julienne strips) or a zester grater like a Microplane, or the fine side of a box grater.

    First decide how you’re going to use your zest: grated or strips. If the zest will be used for flavor and then removed (marinades, steeping in tea) it doesn’t make a difference. For garnish/eye appeal, use a regular zester. To dissolve into recipes (vinaigrette, sorbet) use a zester grater. We love our Cuisipro box grater.

    If you’re going to buy a zester, get a combination zester-stripper, which also creates strips of peel for cocktails or garnish.

    What are your favorite uses for lemon zest?


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