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FOOD HOLIDAY: Lemon Meringue Pie Day & A Drink To Celebrate

Luscious lemon meringue pie. Photo courtesy McCormick.

  Today is National Lemon Meringue Pie Day. How does lemon meringue rank among America’s favorite pies?

Schwann Food Company, maker of Mrs. Smith’s Pies, surveyed Americans on their three favorite pies. The results:

1. Apple Pie
2. Pumpkin Pie
3. Chocolate Cream Pie
4. Cherry Pie
5. Pecan Pie
6. Lemon Meringue Pie
7. Blueberry Pie
8. Key Lime Pie
9. Peach Pie

Lemon Meringue Pie Recipes

  • Make a lemon meringue pie today.
  • Host a Happy Hour with this lemon meringue pie Martini.
    Did you ever wonder about the phrase, “apple pie order,” meaning perfectly organized? What does apple pie have to do with organization? Perhaps it’s due to the neat layering of sliced apples in an apple pie?

    Actually, it’s likely an English mis-translation from the French nappe pliée, meaning neatly folded linen napkins. The phrase was first recorded in 1780 in Pasley’s Private Sea Journals: “Their Persons Clean and in apple-pie order on Sundays.” The Oxford English Dictionary’s entry comes from Sir Walter Scott in 1813.


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    FOOD HOLIDAY & RECIPE: National Creamsicle Day & A Creamsicle Cake

    August 14th is National Creamsicle Day.

    Many foods—from yogurt thousands of years ago, to cream cheese, fudge, ganache, ice cream soda, and Toll House Cookies in the late 19th/early 20th century—were invented as the result of happy accidents. The Popsicle®, the first of the “sicle” ice cream novelties, was no different.

    > The Creamsicle Ice Cream Cake recipe is below.

    > Check out these Creamsicle recipes, from Creamsicle cheesecake to Creamsicle fudge.

    In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson mixed together a fruit drink (believed to be orange-flavored) from powder and water and inadvertently left it on the porch.

    It was an unseasonably cold night in the San Francisco suburbs, and when Frank found his drink the next morning, it was frozen. He eased it out of the glass and, holding it by the stirrer, ate it.

    While Frank may have enjoyed his frozen fruit drink over the years, the public story doesn’t continue until 1923. A 29-year-old husband and father working in the real estate industry, Frank made what he called Epsicles for a fireman’s ball.

    They were a sensation, and Frank obtained a patent for “a handled, frozen confection or ice lollipop.’” His kids called the treat a Popsicle (photo #4), after their Pop.

    So Frank created Popsicle Corporation and collaborated with the Loew Movie Company for the nationwide marketing and sales of the product in movie theaters.

    By 1928, Epperson had earned royalties on more than 60 million Popsicles.* But his happy days ended with the Great Depression. In 1929, flat broke, Frank had to liquidate his assets and sold the patent to, and his rights in, the Popsicle Corporation.

    Following three more corporate sales over the years, Popsicle® and Creamsicle® are now part of Unilever’s Good Humor Division.

    While the record isn’t clear, Frank may also have invented the twin Popsicle, with two sticks so it could be shared by two children.

    Over the years, the Popsicle Corporation continued to create frozen treats on a stick: the Fudgsicle (a chocolate-flavored pop with a texture somewhat similar to ice cream), the Creamsicle (vanilla ice cream and orange sherbet) and the Dreamsicle (a Creamsicle filled with ice milk instead of ice cream).

    August 14th is National Creamsicle Day*. You don’t need to buy a Creamsicle to celebrate: Have a scoop of vanilla ice cream with one of orange sherbet.

    You can also make vanilla cupcakes with orange frosting or top vanilla ice cream with orange liqueur.

    Or, enjoy this recipe for Creamsicle Ice Cream Cake:


  • 1 loaf pound cake
  • 1 pint vanilla ice cream
  • 1 pint orange sherbet
  • Optional: orange marmalade
  • Grated orange zest (optional)

    1. SOFTEN the ice cream at room temperature until it is just spreadable.

    [1] The Creamsicle: a vanilla ice cream pop coated with orange sherbet (photo © Popsicle).

    Creamsicle Ice Cream Cake
    [2] A Creamsicle ice cream cake with a layer of orange marmalade. Here’s the recipe from Life Love Sugar (photo © Life Love Sugar).

    Creamsicle Cheesecake
    [3] Another approach to Creamsicle ice cream cake, using ladyfingers. Here’s the recipe (photo © Cook’s Country).

    [4] The invention that started it all: the Popsicle® (photo © Unilever).

    2. SLICE the pound cake with a serrated bread knife, into three even layers. Press into a springform pan, trimming as necessary.

    3. COVER the cake layer with orange marmalade. Place in the freezer until the marmalade hardens slightly. Then cover it with vanilla ice cream, using a spatula. If not using the marmalade, simply top the cake with the ice cream.

    4. Place the middle layer atop the bottom layer, then top the middle layer with the top layer.

    5. Cover in plastic wrap and freeze until ready to slice and serve. Garnish sliced pieces with a sprinkle of fresh orange zest.

    Thank you, Frank Epperson.
    Variation: Creamsicle Pie & More

    Using a graham cracker pie crust, you can make an ice cream pie instead of an ice cream cake.

    There are other ways to celebrate: Creamsicle-flavored cakes, cookies, cupcakes, cocktails, fudge, and Martinis. Here are more Creamsicle-inspired recipes. (While the word “Creamsicle” has become generic, like Kleenex, the trademark is the property of Unilever.)

    *There seems to be no National Popsicle Day or National Fudgsicle Day, but National Grape Popsicle Day is May 27th, National Cherry Popsicle Day is August 26th and National Blueberry Popsicle Day is September 2nd.




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    TIP OF THE DAY: Check Your Bottled Water Quality

    What’s in bottled water besides water? You
    have a right to know.

      If you’re going to buy bottled water, shouldn’t it meet the same purity standards as tap water? Here’s a surprise:

    While tap water must meet municipal standards for purity, bottled waters don’t have to disclose anything about water quality.

    We simply don’t know what’s in bottled water. Even if it tastes good, it could harbor major pollutants.

    An analysis of 10 major brands of bottled water conducted by the University of Iowa Hygienic Laboratory showed that they variously contained the following:

  • Heavy metals and minerals including arsenic and radioactive isotopes
  • Fertilizer residue (nitrate and ammonia)
  • A broad range of other chemicals used as solvents, plasticizers, viscosity decreasing agents and propellant
  • Common urban waste water pollutants like caffeine and pharmaceuticals (e.g., Tylenol)
  • Disinfection byproducts
    The study reports:

    “In conjunction with this testing program, EWG* conducted a survey of 228 brands of bottled water, compiling information from websites, labels and other marketing materials. We found that fewer than half describe the water source (i.e., municipal or natural) or provide any information on whether or how the water is treated. In the absence of complete disclosure on the label, consumers are left in the dark, making it difficult for shoppers to know if they are getting what they expect….”

    *The Environmental Working Group, a not-for-profit group dedicated to protecting public health and the environment.

    Of the ten top-selling U.S. brands of bottled water, Pure Life Purified Water (Nestle) earned a grade of B from the EWG for information disclosure. Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water (Nestle) earned a grade of C. The others—including big brands from Coca-Cola, Nestle and Pepsico—earned D grades, and one received an F. Here are the results for all 173 brands reviewed.

    Filtered tap water received the best grade (an A) from EWG. If you change your filter regularly, EWG says, your tap water is purer than bottled water.

    What You Can Do About It
    The FDA maintains a double standard: Tap water suppliers (e.g. municipalities) must provide information† to consumers on contaminants, filtration techniques and source water. But bottled water companies do not.

    †CHECK OUT YOUR MUNICIPAL WATER: Cities with the best and worst tap water.

    Let your elected representatives know that bottled water should conform to the same right-to-know standards as tap water. Here’s the contact information for U.S. Senators and Congressmen/Congresswomen.

    Tell them you want easy consumer access to:

  • Full disclosure of all test results for all contaminants.
  • Disclosure of all treatment techniques used to purify the water.
  • Clear and specific disclosure of the name and location of the source water.
    Until then, experts recommend filtered tap water. Tap water also saves money and the environment.

    When you do need to choose bottled water, look for brands that tell you what’s in the water (how pure it is), where it comes from and which advanced treatment technologies are used (such as reverse osmosis and micro-filtration).


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    COOKING VIDEO: Delicious Homemade Falafel Recipe

    Editor’s note: We regret that the producer of this video has discontinued it. Although not a video, here is a delicious falafel recipe.

    If you can’t find a local restaurant selling delicious falafel sandwiches, here’s a video that shows how easy they are to make at home.

    And here’s a falafel recipe along with recipes for your choice of tahini sauce, yogurt sauce or garlic sauce.

    Made from chickpeas and/or fava beans, garlic, parsley, cilantro, and seasonings, falafel is a vegan food that is an excellent ambassador for how tasty vegan cuisine can be.

    Falafel is also dairy-free, cholesterol-free, egg-free, sugar-free, and potentially gluten-free.

  • Gluten-free. Many recipes add bread crumbs or flour to bind the ingredients and keep the balls from falling apart when fried. To avoid gluten, make gluten-free bread crumbs and substitute potato flour.
  • The Right Fat. If you fry your falafel, canola oil and peanut oil are monounsaturated fats (good for you fats). To cut down on fat calories, you can bake the falafel instead of frying.
    Falafel is frequently enjoyed in a flatbread wrap or pita pocket, along with lettuce, tomato, tahini sauce, and pickled turnips (also included in our falafel recipe).

    You can also add falafel balls to a green salad or serve them with a yogurt dip or as part of a mezze (appetizer) plate with feta, hummus, babaganoush, and/or tabbouleh—delicious dips now available in many supermarkets.






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    NEWS: Aspartame Is Still Safe

    For the time being, have all you want!
    Photo courtesy Merisant.
      Artificial sweeteners are often the subject of controversy. Since these sweeteners were approved by the FDA in 1974, critics have alleged that the original research supporting their safety was flawed and that conflicts of interest marred the approval process.

    The safety of aspartame has been confirmed by regulatory authorities in more than 100 countries, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization and the World Health Organization.

    Studies on the safety of artificial sweeteners are ongoing. As part of a continuing review of scientific studies on aspartame, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued a statement on two new studies.

  • One study found that aspartame induces cancer in the livers and lungs of mice. The EFSA concluded that the results presented did not provide a sufficient basis to reconsider its previous evaluations on aspartame.

  • In a second study, the authors found an association between intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks and pre-term delivery. The EFSA assessment concluded that there is no evidence available to support a causal relationship between the consumption of artificially sweetened soft drinks and pre-term delivery, and that additional studies would be required to reject or confirm an association.
    Read the full article.

    What’s the difference between aspartame (Equal), sucralose (Splenda) and all the other noncaloric or low-calorie sweeteners? Here’s the scoop.


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