Different Ways To Make Cherry Cheesecake Recipes

April 23rd is National Cherry Cheesecake Day. For most of us in the U.S., cheesecake means a cream cheese batter with a crust of graham cracker crumbs. Most of us know cherry cheesecake as the plain cheesecake topped with [usually] canned cherry pie filling (photo #2). But often the canned filling is glop, and there…
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SPRING RECIPE: Pickled Ramps

[1] Head to the farmers market to pick up wild ramps. Or, if you live in the eastern U.S. near mountains, pick your own. They grow in rich, moist, deciduous forests, from North Carolina and Tennessee as far north as Canada; and west to Missouri and Minnesota (photo courtesy Rick’s Picks). [2] Wild ramps at…
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RECIPE: Spring Pea & Asparagus Salad

We love the Brazilian churrascaria Fogo de Châo (locations nationwide), not just because of the delicious meats hand-carved at your table, but for the seemingly endless Market Table. Laden with everything healthy—fruits, vegetables, salads, charcuterie and more—you could make a meal of the Market Table alone (and in fact, vegetarians are happy to do so).…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Breakfast Tartines

Tartine is the French word for an open-faced sandwich with a rich spread or fancy topping. The word actually refers to a slice of bread. Tartine is the French diminutive of the Old French and Middle English tarte, derived from the Late Latin torta, a type of bread*. We have a childhood recollection of a…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Blender Hummus Or Bean Dip

While our friend Jerry makes hummus the old-school way—with a mortar and a pestle—other lovers of homemade hummus have discovered the super-easy blender/food processor hummus technique. Store-bought containers are way too small and pricey: It’s a bargain to make your own, and easy (here’s a recipe). When you make your own, you can avoid preservatives…
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