FOOD TIP OF THE DAY: Flavored Mustards

Flavored mustards can transform a dish, adding almost no calories but intense notes of tarragon, basil, Roquefort or lemon to your sandwich, vinaigrette, potato salad or charcuterie. Or create a delicious crust on beef, chicken, fish, lamb or pork. Think of classic Dijon as vanilla, and start to expand your mustard horizons. We love the…
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PRODUCT REVIEW: Three Steamed Vegetable Splendors

Delicious Birds Eye Steamfresh veggies steam fast, with no pots to clean.   Most people we know want to eat healthier and lose weight. Everyone wants to fight childhood obesity. Yet, when you suggest eating lots of healthy, low-calorie, steamed vegetables, there are more excuses than Brussels sprouts. Major food companies have listened, and have…
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FOOD TIP OF THE DAY: Check Your Spices For Freshness

Here’s some sage advice: Every January, toss out all of your old herbs and spices and start the year with fresh ones. After jars are opened, ground spices and dried herbs lose their potency—that’s why those jumbo jars are rarely a bargain. Buy only what you use regularly. If you rarely use mace, e.g., wait…
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NEWS: Dark Chocolate Isn’t “Healthy”

Sorry, Charlie: You’re not “packed with healthy antioxidants.” At last—a medical journal has come out with what THE NIBBLE has been claiming for the past two years: Dark chocolate is not “health food.” Contrary to all of the claims touting the “antioxidant benefits of chocolate,” The Lancet, published in the U.K. and one of the…
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ON OUR RADAR: Interesting Nibbles From The Past Week

– The 10 best foods you (probably) aren’t eating and why you should.- This fake Gordon Ramsay blog really cracks us up. Warning: Many f-words. – Teena is cooking her way through the Gourmet cookbook and is 46.8% complete.   We’re big fans of Gordon Ramsay and all of his TV shows, including Hell’s Kitchen.…
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